...a dangerous irregularity in her heartbeat. [+ in]
Synonyms: bump, lump More Synonyms of irregular
Synonyms: bumpiness, roughness, lumpiness More Synonyms of irregular
Synonyms: abnormality, unusualness More Synonyms of irregular
Synonyms: inconsistency, randomness, disorganization, unsteadiness More Synonyms of irregular
2. adjective
Something that is irregular is not smooth or straight, or does not form a regular pattern.
The paint was drying in irregular patches.
He had bad teeth, irregular and discolored.
Synonyms: uneven, broken, rough, twisted More Synonyms of irregular
irregularlyadverb [usually ADVERB -ed]
Located off-center in the irregularly shaped lake was a fountain.
Synonyms: asymmetrically, unevenly, lopsidedly More Synonyms of irregular
irregularityvariable noun
...treatment of abnormalities or irregularities of the teeth. [+ of]
Synonyms: bump, lump More Synonyms of irregular
Synonyms: bumpiness, roughness, lumpiness More Synonyms of irregular
Synonyms: abnormality, unusualness More Synonyms of irregular
Synonyms: unevenness, deformity, asymmetry, crookedness More Synonyms of irregular
3. adjective
Irregular behaviour is dishonest or not in accordance with the normal rules.
...the minister accused of irregular business practices.
'Will you do this for me, Leo? It's the only way.'—'It's highly irregular, Ralph.'
Synonyms: inappropriate, unconventional, improper, unethical More Synonyms of irregular
irregularityvariable noun
...charges arising from alleged financial irregularities.
Synonyms: bump, lump More Synonyms of irregular
Synonyms: bumpiness, roughness, lumpiness More Synonyms of irregular
Synonyms: abnormality, unusualness More Synonyms of irregular
Synonyms: malpractice, anomaly, breach, abnormality More Synonyms of irregular
4. adjective
An irregular verb, noun, or adjective has different forms from most other verbs, nouns, or adjectives in the language.For example, 'break' is an irregular verb because its past form is 'broke', not 'breaked'.
5. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Irregular troops do not belong to an official national army.
At least 17 different irregular units are engaged in the war.
Synonyms: unofficial, underground, guerrilla, volunteer More Synonyms of irregular
Irregulars are irregular troops.
English Easy Learning GrammarIrregular verbsIrregular verbs are verbs that do not form the past simple tense and the past participleby adding -ed to the base form. The three main groups of irregular ... Read more
English Easy Learning GrammarTenseTime reference Verb forms help us make time reference through their tense. Tense shows whether anaction or a state took place in the past or takes place ... Read more
irregular in British English
lacking uniformity or symmetry; uneven in shape, position, arrangement, etc
not occurring at expected or equal intervals
an irregular pulse
differing from the normal or accepted practice or routine
not according to established standards of behaviour; unconventional
(of the formation, inflections, or derivations of a word) not following the usual pattern of formation in a language, as English plurals ending other than in -s or -es
of or relating to guerrillas or volunteers not belonging to regular forces
irregular troops
(of flowers) having any of their parts, esp petals, differing in size, shape, etc; asymmetric
8. US
(of merchandise) not up to the manufacturer's standards or specifications; flawed; imperfect
a soldier not in a regular army
10. (often plural) US
imperfect or flawed merchandise
Compare second1 (sense 15)
Derived forms
irregularly (irˈregularly)
irregular in American English
not conforming to established rule, method, usage, standard, etc.; out of the ordinary; anomalous
not conforming to legal or moral requirements; lawless; disorderly
not straight or even; not symmetrical; not uniform in shape, design, or proportion
uneven in occurrence or succession; variable or erratic
5. US
having minor flaws or imperfections
said of merchandise
experiencing constipation
7. Botany
not uniform in shape, size, etc. as the petals of a flower
8. Grammar
not inflected in the usual way
“go” is an irregular verb
9. Military
not belonging to the regularly established army
a person or thing that is irregular
a soldier who belongs to an irregular military force
12. US; [usually pl.]
irregular merchandise
SYNONYMY NOTE: irregular implies deviation from the customary or established rule, procedure, etc. [irregular conduct]; abnormal, anomalous imply deviation from the normal condition or from the ordinary type, , abnormal stressing atypical form or character [a man of abnormal height], and anomalous, an exceptional condition or circumstance [in the anomalous position of a leader without followers]; unnatural applies to that which is contrary to the order of nature or to natural laws [an unnatural appetite for chalk]
OPPOSITES: regular, normal, natural
Derived forms
irregularity (irˌreguˈlarity)
nounWord forms: pluralirˌreguˈlarities
irregularly (irˈregularly)
Word origin
ME < OFr irregulier < ML irregularis: see in-2 & regular
Examples of 'irregular' in a sentence
Nobody wants to build a plant that has to shut down at irregular intervals.
The Sun (2016)
An irregular rhythm is calmer.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
But if you're passing regularly, it could be your pulse slow or irregular.
The Sun (2016)
The symptoms include shortness of breath during exertion, fatigue and weakness, and a rapid or irregular heartbeat.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
But prolonged attacks of a racing or irregular pulse can mean ticker trouble, especially if you feel unwell, too.
The Sun (2016)
He was pulled up at Kempton in 2013 with an irregular heartbeat and was off the track for more than a year.
The Sun (2016)
When most of the garden is going to sleep, squashes and pumpkins light up the veg beds with cheerful, vibrant colours and irregular shapes.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
It is also important to control irregular eating patterns.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Others dip in at irregular intervals as the mood takes them.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Anyone learning a language needs to take care with irregular verbs.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Those who receive an irregular income could also benefit.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
An irregular heartbeat or a blood clot are suspected by the coroner.
The Sun (2016)
His priorities are saving a deposit for a house and managing his irregular income.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
The death toll is the highest on record and experts blame irregular weather patterns and people going off piste.
The Sun (2006)
Time deposits are usually held for longer periods of time to meet irregular payments and as a form of savings.
Pass, Christopher, Lowes, Bryan Collins Dictionary of Economics (1993)
Other plays followed at irregular intervals.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
She continued with the irregular verbs.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
High street lenders will also not accept applications from borrowers planning to clear their debts using bonus payments or other irregular income.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Like many such irregular forces, this one turned against its colonial creator.
Geraghty, Tony The Bullet Catchers (1989)
It may have an irregular shape and a patchy dark colour, too.
The Sun (2010)
Fourth, there are mounting concerns about the activities of the militias and irregular forces.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The conducting tissue may also be affected, causing irregular heartbeat.
MacIntyre, Anne M. E. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How To Live With It (1989)
The moon was bright now, but all it showed him was the sea beneath and irregular formations of cloud ahead.
Len Deighton Bomber
It can cause palpitations and breathlessness, and the fast irregular rhythm may lead to a clot forming in the heart.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
As the name suggests, it involves trimming an already large shrub with small leaves into irregular shapes that resemble fluffy clouds.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
His irregular forces appeared from nowhere, attacked, and disappeared back into the desert.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The theory implies that life has been exposed, at regular or irregular intervals, to a drastic pruning.
Dyson, Freeman Infinite in All Directions (1989)
It proved invaluable in the design of countless buildings, bridges and aircraft but was limited because it would not work for irregular shapes or those with holes.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
In other languages
British English: irregular /ɪˈrɛɡjʊlə/ ADJECTIVE
If events or actions occur at irregular intervals, the periods of time between them are of different lengths.
She was taken to hospital suffering from an irregular heartbeat.
American English: irregular
Arabic: غَيْرُ مُنْتَظَمٌ
Brazilian Portuguese: irregular
Chinese: 不规则的
Croatian: nepravilan
Czech: nepravidelný
Danish: uregelmæssig
Dutch: onregelmatig
European Spanish: irregular
Finnish: epäsäännöllinen
French: irrégulier
German: unregelmäßig
Greek: ακανόνιστος
Italian: irregolare
Japanese: ふぞろいの
Korean: 불규칙한
Norwegian: uregelmessig
Polish: nieregularny
European Portuguese: irregular
Romanian: neregulat
Russian: непостоянный
Latin American Spanish: irregular
Swedish: oregelbunden
Thai: ไม่สม่ำเสมอ
Turkish: düzensiz
Ukrainian: неправильний
Vietnamese: bất quy tắc
Chinese translation of 'irregular'
[surface, pattern]不整齐(齊)的 (bù zhěngqí de)
(= not set)
[hours, times]不定期的 (bù dìngqī de)
[meals, periods]不规(規)律的 (bù guīlǜ de)
[heartbeat, pulse]不规(規)则(則)的 (bù guīzé de)
(= not acceptable)[behaviour]不正当(當)的 (bù zhèngdàng de)