consisting of or being a ring of atoms of the same element
Word origin
iso- + cyclic
isocyclic in American English
(ˌaisəˈsaiklɪk, -ˈsɪklɪk)
Word origin
[1895–1900; iso- + cyclic]This word is first recorded in the period 1895–1900. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: apothecaries' measure, backstage, backwind, frame of reference, slapstickiso- is a combining form meaning “equal,” used in the formation of compound words (isochromatic). In chemistry, iso- is used in the names of substances which are isomeric with the substance denotedby the base word (isocyanic acid). Other words that use the affix iso- include: isodiametric, isoprene, isosteric, isotope, isotype