a compound that exhibits isomerism with one or more other compounds
2. physics
a nuclide that exhibits isomerism with one or more other nuclides
Derived forms
isomeric (ˌaɪsəˈmɛrɪk)
isomer in American English
1. Chemistry
any of two or more chemical compounds having the same constituent elements in the same proportion by weight but differing in physical or chemical properties because of differences in the structure of their molecules
2. Physics
any of two or more nuclei possessing the same number of neutrons and protons, but existing in different energy states, and thus having different radioactive properties
Derived forms
isomeric (ˌisoˈmeric) (ˈaɪsoʊˈmɛrɪk; ˈaɪsəˈmɛrɪk)
isomerically (ˌisoˈmerically)
Word origin
< Gr isomerēs, equally divided < isos, equal + meros, a part: see merit