A jackal is a wild animal that looks like a dog, has long legs and pointed ears, and lives in Africa and Southern Asia.
jackal in British English
any of several African or S Asian canine mammals of the genus Canis, closely related to the dog, having long legs and pointed ears and muzzle: predators and carrion-eaters
a person who does menial tasks for another
a villain, esp a swindler
Word origin
C17: from Turkish chakāl, from Persian shagāl, from Sanskrit srgāla
jackal in American English
(ˈdʒækəl; ˈdʒækˌɔl)
nounWord forms: pluralˈjackals or ˈjackal
any of several wild dogs of Asia and N Africa, mostly yellowish-gray and smaller than the wolf: they often hunt prey in packs, generally at night, and also eat carrion and certain plants
a person who does dishonest or humiliating tasks for another
from the notion that the jackal hunts game for the lion and eats the leavings