Racial describes things relating to people's race.
...the protection of national and racial minorities.
...the elimination of racial discrimination.
Synonyms: ethnic, ethnological, national, folk More Synonyms of racial
raciallyadverb [ADVERB -ed/adjective]
...a racially mixed area.
racial in British English
denoting or relating to the division of the human species into races on grounds of physical characteristics
characteristic of any such group
relating to or arising from differences between the races
racial harmony
of or relating to a subspecies
Derived forms
racially (ˈracially)
racial in American English
of or characteristic of a race
of or between races
Derived forms
racially (ˈracially)
Examples of 'racial' in a sentence
And he vowed to walk off the pitch the next time he suffered racial abuse.
The Sun (2017)
Gender and racial diversity boxes comprehensively ticked.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Civil rights and racial equality?
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
If politicians allow this they are condoning racial discrimination.
The Sun (2011)
The officer was then subjected to a torrent of racial abuse.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Others have their eye on him as a role model for racial harmony.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
It was said at the time that the series would encourage racial harmony.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
These were important milestones on the path to racial equality.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
For example, we have a mandatory online training module on racial diversity.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The fact that he is President promotes racial equality and human rights for all.
The Sun (2012)
But then she grows to love him, and to live in tolerant racial harmony with his tribe.
The Sun (2006)
But this fear cannot be allowed to stand in the way of the only solution which will guarantee racial harmony and freedom for all.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Now, after a sustained effort to increase racial diversity, that has changed.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The findings suggest that, quite apart from the moral arguments for more racial diversity, there is a strong practical case for it.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
In other languages
British English: racial /ˈreɪʃəl/ ADJECTIVE
Racial describes things relating to people's race.
...racial equality.
American English: racial
Arabic: عُنْصُريّ
Brazilian Portuguese: racial
Chinese: 种族的
Croatian: rasni
Czech: rasový
Danish: racemæssig
Dutch: rassen-
European Spanish: racial
Finnish: rotu-
French: racial
German: rassisch
Greek: φυλετικός
Italian: razziale
Japanese: 人種の
Korean: 인종의
Norwegian: rase-
Polish: rasowy
European Portuguese: racial
Romanian: rasial
Russian: расовый
Latin American Spanish: racial
Swedish: ras-
Thai: ที่เกี่ยวกับเชื้อชาติ
Turkish: ırkla ilgili
Ukrainian: расовий
Vietnamese: thuộc chủng tộc
All related terms of 'racial'
racial bias
Bias is a tendency to prefer one person or thing to another, and to favour that person or thing.
racial memory
feelings, patterns of thought, and fragments of experience that have been transmitted from generation to generation in all humans and have deeply influenced the mind and behavior
racial harmony
If people are living in harmony with each other, they are living together peacefully rather than fighting or arguing .
racial minority
a group of a certain race that are in the minority compared to a larger group, the rest of the population , etc
racial violence
Violence is behaviour which is intended to hurt , injure , or kill people.
racial diversity
The diversity of something is the fact that it contains many very different elements.
racial harassment
physical or mental harassment against someone or a group of people on the basis of their race
racial intolerance
Intolerance is unwillingness to let other people act in a different way or hold different opinions from you.
racial prejudice
Prejudice is an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things, or a preference for one group of people or things over another.
racial profiling
Racial profiling is government or police activity that involves using people’s racial and cultural characteristics to identify people to investigate .
racial segregation
the separation or segregation of races in everyday life, either as prescribed by law or by social norms
racial unconscious
(in Jungian psychological theory) a part of the unconscious mind incorporating patterns of memories , instincts , and experiences common to all humankind . These patterns are inherited , may be arranged into archetypes , and are observable through their effects on dreams , behaviour, etc
racial discrimination
discrimination , unfair treatment or bias against someone or a group of people on the basis of their race
Multiracial means consisting of or involving people of many different nationalities and cultures .
Commission for Racial Equality
(formerly in Britain) a body of fourteen members appointed to enforce the provisions of the Race Relations Act 1976; replaced in 2007 by the Equality and Human Rights Commission