capital of Israel (the country) in the central part: divided (1948-67) between Israel & Jordan: since 1967 Israel holds entire city and environs: pop. 591,000
a weedy North American chenopodiaceous plant, Chenopodium botrys, that has lobed leaves and smells of turpentine
New Jerusalem
heaven regarded as the prototype of the earthly Jerusalem ; the heavenly city
Jerusalem Bible
a Roman Catholic version of the Bible published in 1966, translated from the French La Bible de J érusalem , produced by Dominican scholars in Jerusalem (1956)
Jerusalem cross
a cross the equal arms of which end in a bar
Jerusalem thorn
a leguminous , tropical American tree ( Parkinsonia aculeata ) having compound leaves and yellow , fragrant flowers: used for hedges
Jerusalem cherry
a small South American solanaceous shrub , Solanum pseudo-capsicum, cultivated as a house plant for its white flowers and inedible reddish cherry-like fruit
Jerusalem cricket
any of a family (Stenopelmatidae) of burrowing , wingless , long-horned crickets common in dry regions of W U.S.
Jerusalem syndrome
a delusive condition affecting some visitors to Jerusalem in which the sufferer identifies with a major figure from his or her religious background
Jerusalem artichoke
Jerusalem artichokes are small, yellowish-white vegetables that grow underground and look like potatoes .
the New Jerusalem
the de facto capital of Israel ( recognition of this has been withheld by the United Nations), situated in the Judaean hills : became capital of the Hebrew kingdom after its capture by David around 1000 bc ; destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in 586 bc ; taken by the Romans in 63 bc ; devastated in 70 ad and 135 ad during the Jewish rebellions against Rome ; fell to the Arabs in 637 and to the Seljuk Turks in 1071; ruled by Crusaders from 1099 to 1187 and by the Egyptians and Turks until conquered by the British (1917); centre of the British mandate of Palestine from 1920 to 1948, when the Arabs took the old city and the Jews held the new city; unified after the Six Day War (1967) under the Israelis ; the holy city of Jews, Christians, and Muslims . Pop: 839 077 (2015 est)
New Jerusalem Church
a sect founded in 1787, based on Swedenborgianism
Knights of St John of Jerusalem
a military religious order founded about the time of the first crusade (1096–99) among European crusaders. It took its name from a hospital and hostel in Jerusalem
cross potent
a cross with equal arms , each of which ends in a bar
Knights of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
a military religious order founded about the time of the first crusade (1096–99) among European crusaders. It took its name from a hospital and hostel in Jerusalem