?4 bc–?29 ad, founder of Christianity, born in Bethlehem and brought up in Nazareth as a Jew. He is believed by Christians to be the Son of God and to have been miraculouslyconceived by the Virgin Mary, wife of Joseph. With 12 disciples, he undertook two missionary journeys through Galilee, performing miracles, teaching, and proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom of God. His revolutionary Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–8), which preaches love, humility, and charity, the essence of his teaching, aroused the hostility of the Pharisees. After the Last Supper with his disciples, he was betrayed by Judas and crucified. He is believed by Christians to have risen from his tomb after three days, appeared to his disciples several times, and ascended to Heaven after 40 days
Son of Sirach. 3rd century bc, author of the Apocryphal book of Ecclesiasticus
exclamation also: Jesus wept
3. taboo, slang
used to express intense surprise, dismay, etc
Word origin
via Latin from Greek Iēsous, from Hebrew Yeshūa`, shortened from Yehōshūa` God is help, Joshua