A Jew is a person who believes in and practises the religion of Judaism.
Jew in British English
a member of the Semitic people who claim descent from the ancient Hebrew people of Israel, are spread throughout the world, and are linked by cultural or religious ties
a person whose religion is Judaism
See also Hebrew, Israeli
Word origin
C12: from Old French juiu, from Latin jūdaeus, from Greek ioudaios, from Hebrew yehūdī, from yehūdāhJudah
Jew in American English
a person descended, or regarded as descended, from the ancient Hebrews of Biblical times
a person whose religion is Judaism
Word origin
ME < OFr Giu, Juiu < L Judaeus < Gr Ioudaios < Heb yehūdī, member of the tribe or kingdom of Judah: see Judah
In other languages
British English: Jew /dʒuː/ NOUN
A Jew is a person who believes in and practises the religion of Judaism.
American English: Jew
Arabic: يَهُودِيٌّ
Brazilian Portuguese: judeu
Chinese: 犹太人
Croatian: Židov
Czech: Žid
Danish: jøde
Dutch: jood
European Spanish: judío
Finnish: juutalainen henkilö
French: Juif
German: Jude
Greek: Εβραίος
Italian: ebreo
Japanese: ユダヤ人
Korean: 유태인
Norwegian: jøde
Polish: Żyd
European Portuguese: judeu
Romanian: evreu
Russian: иудаист
Latin American Spanish: judío
Swedish: jude
Thai: ชาวยิว
Turkish: Yahudi
Ukrainian: іудей
Vietnamese: người Do thái
Definition of 'Jew'
All related terms of 'Jew'
a person who does not practise Judaism
active persecution or harassment of Jews
jew lizard
a large Australian lizard , Amphibolurus barbatus , with an erectile frill around the neck
jew's ear
→ another name for jelly fungus
jew's harp
a musical instrument consisting of a small lyre-shaped metal frame held between the teeth , with a steel tongue plucked with the finger . Changes in pitch are produced by varying the size of the mouth cavities
orthodox Jew
a person who follows Orthodox Judaism
wandering Jew
any of several related creeping or trailing plants of tropical America, esp Tradescantia fluminensis and Zebrina pendula: family Commelinaceae
bearded dragon
a large Australian lizard , Amphibolurus barbatus , with an erectile frill around the neck
Non- is used in front of adjectives and nouns to form adjectives that describe something as not having a particular quality or feature .