Jewish means belonging or relating to the religion of Judaism or to Jews.
...the Jewish festival of the Passover.
Jewish in British English
of, relating to, or characteristic of Jews
2. a less common word for Yiddish
Derived forms
Jewishly (ˈJewishly)
Jewishness (ˈJewishness)
Jewish in American English
of or having to do with Jews or Judaism
2. Loosely
Derived forms
Jewishly (ˈJewishly)
Jewishness (ˈJewishness)
In other languages
British English: Jewish /ˈdʒuːɪʃ/ ADJECTIVE
Jewish means belonging or relating to the religion of Judaism or to Jews.
...the Jewish festival of the Passover.
American English: Jewish
Arabic: يَهُودِيٌّ
Brazilian Portuguese: judaico
Chinese: 犹太人的
Croatian: židovski
Czech: židovský
Danish: jødisk
Dutch: joods
European Spanish: judío
Finnish: juutalainen adjektiivi
French: juif
German: jüdisch
Greek: εβραϊκός
Italian: ebraico
Japanese: ユダヤ人の
Korean: 유태인의
Norwegian: jødisk
Polish: żydowski
European Portuguese: judaico
Romanian: evreiesc
Russian: иудейский
Latin American Spanish: judío
Swedish: judisk
Thai: เกี่ยวกับยิว
Turkish: Yahudi
Ukrainian: єврейський
Vietnamese: thuộc người Do thái
Definition of 'Jewish'
Chinese translation of 'Jewish'
犹(猶)太的 (Yóutài de)
All related terms of 'Jewish'
→ anti-Semitic
not practising Judaism
Jewish calendar
the lunisolar calendar used by the Jews , in which time is reckoned from 3761 bc : regarded as the year of the Creation . The months , Nisan , Iyar , Sivan , Tammuz , Av , Elul , Tishri , Cheshvan , Kislev , Tevet , Shevat , and Adar , have either 29 or 30 days. Originally a new month was declared when the new moon was sighted in Jerusalem , but when this became impossible , a complex formula was devised to keep Rosh Chodesh near to the new moon. In addition , to keep the harvest festivals in the right seasons , there is a Metonic cycle of 14 years, in five of which an additional month is added after Shevat. The year according to biblical reckoning begins with Nisan, and the civil year begins with Tishri; the years are numbered from Tishri
Jewish American Princess
an American Jewish girl of a prosperous family, regarded as being typically pampered and spoilt
Jewish Autonomous Region
an administrative division of SE Russia, in E Siberia : colonized by Jews in 1928; largely agricultural. Capital: Birobidzhan . Pop: 190 900 (2002). Area: 36 000 sq km (13 895 sq miles)
Non- is used in front of adjectives and nouns to form adjectives that describe something as not having a particular quality or feature .