the offence committed when a player deliberately scrapes an opponent's leg, arm, etc, with the studs of his or her boots
Examples of 'raking' in a sentence
It was as hot as he could stand it, hard needles of spray raking his skin.
Terman, Douglas CORMORANT (2003)
Schick stayed in the pick-up, boots on the dash, Steely Dan tape raking through the cab.
Dexter Petley WHITE LIES (2003)
Man was not quite ready for the raking look of distrust that reached out at him from the darkness.
Heller, Keith MAN'S LOVING FAMILY (2003)
All related terms of 'raking'
A rake is a garden tool consisting of a row of metal or wooden teeth attached to a long handle . You can use a rake to make the earth smooth and level before you put plants in, or to gather leaves together.
(of waves ) to rake over (a boat )
If you accuse someone of muck-raking , you are criticizing them for finding and spreading unpleasant or embarrassing information about someone, especially a public figure.
rake in
If you say that someone is raking in money, you mean that they are making a lot of money very easily , more easily than you think they should.
rake up
If someone is raking up something unpleasant or embarrassing that happened in the past , they are talking about it when you would prefer them not to mention it.
rake over
If you say that someone is raking over something that has been said , done, or written in the past , you mean that they are examining and discussing it in detail , in a way that you do not think is very pleasant .
If someone who has helped to arrange a business deal takes or gets a rake-off , they illegally or unfairly take a share of the profits.