A Rastafarian is a member of a Jamaican religious group which considers Haile Selassie, the former Emperor of Ethiopia, to be God. Rastafarians often havelong hair which they wear in a hairstyle called dreadlocks.
He was one of the few thousand committed Rastafarians in South Africa.
2. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Rastafarian is used to describe Rastafarians and their beliefs and lifestyle.
...Rastafarian poet Benjamin Zephaniah.
He refused to cut his hair due to his Rastafarian beliefs.
Rastafarian in British English
a member of an originally Jamaican religion that regards Ras Tafari (the former emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie) as God
of, characteristic of, or relating to the Rastafarians
Derived forms
Rastafarianism (ˌRastaˈfariaˌnism)
Rastafarian in American English
(ˌræstəˈfæriən; ˌ rɑstəˈfɑriən)
a member of a Jamaican religious sect which holds that Haile Selassie was divine and a savior, that Ethiopia is Eden, and that blacks will eventually be repatriated to Africa