Ratatouille is a cooked dish made with vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, aubergines, courgettes, and peppers.
You should have prepared something other than lamb and ratatouille.
...a delicious ratatouille.
ratatouille in British English
a vegetable casserole made of tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, etc, fried in oil and stewed slowly
Word origin
C19: from French, from touiller to stir, from Latin tudiculāre, from tudes hammer
ratatouille in American English
(ˌrætəˈtwi; ˌrætəˈtui; ˌrɑtətwi; ˌrɑtəˈtui)
a vegetable stew of eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, and peppers, flavored with garlic and basil or other herbs and served hot or cold
Word origin
Fr < ra-, intensifier + ta-, redupl. syllable + touiller, to mix < L tudiculare, to stir about < tudicula, device for crushing olives, dim. of tudes, hammer < root of tundere, to strike: see study