If you keep on at someone, you repeatedly ask or tell them something in a way that annoys them.
keep tabs on
to keep a watchful eye on
keep on about
If you say that someone keeps on about something, you mean that they keep talking about it in a boring way.
keep an eye on
to look after; watch carefully
keep a rein on
to check , control, or restrain
keep on a string
to have control or a hold over (someone), esp emotionally
keep tabs on sb
If someone keeps tabs on you, they make sure that they always know where you are and what you are doing, often in order to control you.
keep your hair on!
to calm down and not be angry or impatient . The usual American expression is keep your shirt on .
keep your shirt on
to calm down and not be angry or impatient . The usual British expression is keep your hair on .
keep one's shirt on
to remain patient or calm
keep a tight rein on
to control carefully; limit
keep someone on their toes
If you say that someone or something keeps you on your toes , you mean that they cause you to remain alert and ready for anything that might happen .
keep the lid on something
to keep the true nature of a particular situation or problem hidden , or to control it and stop it becoming worse
keep the show on the road
to ensure that a plan or an idea continues to operate successfully
keep your eye on something
If you keep an eye on something or someone, you watch them carefully, for example to make sure that they are satisfactory or safe , or not causing trouble .
keep your eye on the ball
to continue to pay close attention to what you are doing. Compare take your eye off the ball .
to keep a tight rein on
If you keep a tight rein on someone, you control them firmly.
to keep a watchful eye on
If you keep a watchful eye on someone or something, you watch carefully to make sure there are no problems .
keep a weather eye on sb/sth
If you keep a weather eye on someone or something, you stay alert so that you will notice if anything unpleasant happens .
keep one's finger on the pulse
to be well-informed about current events
keep someone on a short leash
to control someone carefully and only allow them a small amount of freedom to do what they want
keep your feet on the ground
to continue to act in a sensible and practical way even when new or exciting things are happening or even when you become successful or powerful
keep a lookout/be on the lookout
If you are keeping a lookout for something or are on the lookout for it, you are alert and careful about it, either because you do not want to miss it or because it will be unpleasant or harmful and you need to avoid it.
get your kit off/keep your kit on
If someone gets their kit off or takes their kit off , they take off all their clothes . If they keep their kit on , they do not take off all their clothes, even though people may be expecting them to.
keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth
If you keep a close eye on someone or something or keep a close watch on them, you observe them carefully to make sure they are progressing as you want them to.
keep/have your feet on the ground
If you say that someone has their feet on the ground , you approve of the fact that they have a sensible and practical attitude towards life , and do not have unrealistic ideas .
keep someone on the straight and narrow
to help someone to live an honest , decent life and prevent them from doing immoral or illegal things
keep an eagle eye on someone or something
to watch a person or thing very carefully
keep a tight rein on someone or something
to control someone or something firmly
keep a weather eye on something or someone
to watch something or someone carefully so that you are ready to take action when difficulties arise or anything goes wrong
have one's feet on the ground
to be practical and reliable
have your finger on the pulse
to know all the latest information about something or have a good understanding of how it works
Chinese translation of 'keep on'
keep on
to keep on doing sth继(繼)续(續)做某事 (jìxù zuò mǒushì)
⇒ They kept on walking for a while in silence.他们继续走了一会儿,谁都没说话。 (Tāmen jìxù zǒule yīhuìr, shuí dōu méi shuōhuà.)
See keep
Nearby words of
keep on
keep in with
keep off
keep off the grass!
keep on
keep out
"keep out of the reach of children"
keep the change!
All related terms of 'keep on'
to keep tabs on
( inf : person, sb's movements ) 监(監)视(視) jiānshì
to keep on doing sth
继(繼)续(續)做某事 jìxù zuò mǒushì ⇒ They kept on walking for a while in silence. → 他们继续走了一会儿,谁都没说话。 Tāmen jìxù zǒule yīhuìr, shuí dōu méi shuōhuà.
( maintain : standards ) 维(維)持 wéichí ⇒ It's important to keep up our standards. → 维持水准是很重要的。 Wéichí shuǐzhǔn shì hěn zhòngyào de.
keep to
( observe : agreement ) 遵守 zūnshǒu
keep out
( intruder, unwelcome visitor ) 阻拦(攔) zǔlán ⇒ a guard dog to keep out intruders → 阻止闯入者的看家狗 zǔzhǐ chuǎngrùzhě de kānjiāgǒu
keep off
使不接近 shǐ bù jiējìn ⇒ a bamboo shelter to keep the rain off → 挡雨的竹棚 dǎngyǔ de zhúpéng ⇒ Keep your dog off my lawn! → 别让你的狗接近我的草坪! Bié ràng nǐ de gǒu jiējìn wǒ de cǎopíng!
keep in with
搞好关(關)系(係) gǎohǎo guānxì ⇒ Now he is getting old he wishes he had kept in with his family. → 他年纪大了,后悔当初没有多亲近家人。 Tā niánji dà le, hòuhuǐ dāngchū méiyǒu duō qīnjìn jiārén.
keep in
( invalid, child ) 不让(讓)外出 bù ràng wàichū
keep from
▶ to keep from doing sth 克制 kèzhì ⇒ She bit her lip to keep from crying. → 她咬着嘴唇克制着自己不要哭。 Tā yǎozhe zuǐchún kèzhìzhe zìjǐ bù yào kū.
keep down
( control : prices, spending ) 控制 kòngzhì ⇒ We want to try and keep costs down. → 我们想尽量压缩费用。 Wǒmen xiǎng jǐnliàng yāsuō fèiyòng.
keep back
( reserve : paint, ingredients ) 保留 bǎoliú ⇒ Keep back enough juice to make the sauce. → 留足够的汁做调味汁。 Liú zúgòu de zhī zuò tiáowèizhī.
keep away
▶ to keep sth/sb away (from sth) 使某物/某人不要来(來)(某处(處)) shǐ mǒuwù/mǒurén bù yào lái (mǒuchù) ⇒ Keep animals away from the kitchen. → 别让动物到厨房里。 Bié ràng dòngwù dào chúfáng li.
to keep sb posted (on sth)
使某人知情(某事) shǐ mǒurén zhīqíng (mǒushì)
keep on
1. keep [sense 7]
2. phrasal verb
If you keep someone on, you continue to employ them, for example after they are old enough to retire or after other employees have lost their jobs.
Sometimes they keep you on a bit longer if there's no one quite ready to step intoyour shoes. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
A skeleton staff of 20 is being kept on. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
[Also VERBPARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
See full dictionary entry for keep
keep on in British English
to continue or persist in (doing something)
keep on running
2. (transitive)
to continue to wear
3. (transitive)
to continue to employ
the firm kept on only ten men
4. (intransitive; foll byabout)
to persist in talking (about)
5. (intransitive; foll byat)
to nag (a person)
Examples of 'keep on' in a sentence
keep on
How long she would keep on getting away with it she didn't know.