a republic in E Africa, on the Indian Ocean: became a British protectorate in 1895 and a colony in 1920; gained independence in 1963 and is a member of the Commonwealth. Tea and coffee constitute about a third of the total exports. Official languages: Swahili and English. Religions: Christian majority, Muslim minority. Currency: shilling. Capital: Nairobi. Pop: 49 699 862 (2017 est). Area: 582 647 sq km (224 960 sq miles)
2. Mount Kenya
Kenya in American English
(ˈkɛnjə; ˈkinjə)
country in EC Africa, on the Indian Ocean: formerly a British crown colony & protectorate, it became independent & a member of the Commonwealth (1963): 224,961 sq mi (582,647 sq km); pop. 29,295,000; cap. Nairobi
Mountvolcanic mountain in central Kenya: 17,040 ft (5,194 m)
Derived forms
Kenyan (ˈKenyan)
adjective, noun
Word lists with
country, currency, inhabitant, mountain, volcano
In other languages
British English: Kenya /ˈkɛnjə; ˈkiːnjə/ NOUN
Kenya is a republic in East Africa, on the Indian Ocean.