Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense reaches, present participle reaching, past tense, past participle reached
1. verb
When someone or something reaches a place, they arrive there.
He did not stop until he reached the door. [VERB noun]
A leak was found when the train reached Ipswich. [VERB noun]
He reached Cambridge shortly before three o'clock. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: arrive at, get to, make it to, get as far as More Synonyms of reach
2. verb
If someone or something has reached a certain stage, level, or amount, they are at that stage, level, or amount.
The process of political change has reached the stage where it is irreversible. [VERB noun]
He reached the final of the US Championships. [VERB noun]
We're told the figure could reach 100,000 next year. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: amount to, attain, get to, rise to More Synonyms of reach
3. verb
If you reach somewhere, you move your arm and hand to take or touch something.
Judy reached into her handbag and handed me a small printed leaflet. [VERB preposition/adverb]
I reached across the table and squeezed his hand. [VERB preposition/adverb]
He reached up for an overhanging branch. [VERB preposition/adverb]
4. verb
If you can reach something, you are able to touch it by stretching out your arm or leg.
Can you reach your toes with your fingertips? [VERB noun]
Synonyms: touch, grasp, extend to, get (a) hold of More Synonyms of reach
5. verb
If you try to reach someone, you try to contact them, usually by phone.
Has the doctor told you how to reach him or her in emergencies? [VERB noun]
If I see her, I'll tell her you've been trying to reach her. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: contact, get in touch with, get through to, make contact with More Synonyms of reach
6. verb
If something reaches a place, point, or level, it extends as far as that place, point, or level.
...a nightshirt which reached to his knees. [VERB + to]
The water level in Lake Taihu has reached record levels. [VERB noun]
Eventually those ideas should reach the capital city. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: come to, move to, rise to, fall to More Synonyms of reach
7. verb
When people reach an agreement or a decision, they succeed in achieving it.
A meeting of agriculture ministers in Luxembourg today has so far failed to reachagreement over farm subsidies. [VERB noun]
They are meeting in Lusaka in an attempt to reach a compromise. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: achieve, come to, negotiate, work out More Synonyms of reach
8. uncountable noun [oft poss NOUN]
Someone's or something's reach is the distance or limit to which they can stretch, extend, or travel.
Isabelle placed a cup on the table within his reach.
...a heavyweight who possesses a longer reach and more strength.
...long-handled shears, secateurs and long-reach tree pruners.
9. uncountable noun
If a place or thing is within reach, it is possible to have it or get to it. If it is out of reach, it is not possible to have it or get to it.
It is located within reach of many important Norman towns, including Bayeux. [+ of]
The clothes they model for this mail-order catalogue are all within easy reach ofevery woman.
These products are normally bought and stored carefully out of reach of children.
The price is ten times what it normally is and totally beyond the reach of ordinarypeople. [+ of]
Synonyms: grasp, range, distance, stretch More Synonyms of reach
More Synonyms of reach
reach in British English
1. (transitive)
to arrive at or get to (a place, person, etc) in the course of movement or action
to reach the office
to extend as far as (a point or place)
to reach the ceiling
can you reach?
3. (transitive)
to come to (a certain condition, stage, or situation)
to reach the point of starvation
4. (intransitive)
to extend in influence or operation
the Roman conquest reached throughout England
5. (transitive) informal
to pass or give (something to a person) with the outstretched hand
to reach someone a book
6. (intr; foll by out, for, or after)
to make a movement (towards), as if to grasp or touch
to reach for something on a shelf
7. (intr; foll by for or after)
to strive or yearn
to reach for the impossible
8. (transitive)
to make contact or communication with (someone)
we tried to reach him all day
9. (transitive)
to strike, esp in fencing or boxing
10. (transitive)
to amount to (a certain sum)
to reach the five million mark
11. (intransitive) nautical
to sail on a tack with the wind on or near abeam
the act of reaching
the extent or distance of reaching
within reach of safety
beyond her reach
the range of influence, power, jurisdiction, etc
an open stretch of water, esp on a river
16. nautical
the direction or distance sailed by a vessel on one tack
a bar on the rear axle of a vehicle connecting it with some part at the front end
18. television, radio
the percentage of the population selecting a broadcast programme or channel for more than a specified time during a day or week
19. marketing
the proportion of a market that an advertiser hopes to reach at least once in a campaign
Derived forms
reachable (ˈreachable)
reacher (ˈreacher)
Word origin
Old English rǣcan; related to Old Frisian rēka, Old High German reihhen
reach in American English
verb transitive
to thrust out or extend (the hand, etc.)
to extend to, or touch, by thrusting out, throwing something, etc.
to obtain and hand over
reach me the salt
to go as far as; attain
to reach town by night
to carry as far as; penetrate to
the news reached him late
to add up to; come to
to reach thousands of dollars
to have influence on; affect; impress
to get in touch with, as by telephone
verb intransitive
to thrust out the hand, foot, etc.
to stretch, or be extended, in amount, influence, space, time, etc.
power that reaches into other lands
to be added; amount (with to or into)
to carry; penetrate, as sight, sound, etc.
to try to obtain something; make an attempt
to try too hard to make a point, joke, etc.
15. Nautical
to sail on a reach
the act of stretching or thrusting out
the power of stretching, obtaining, etc.
the distance or extent covered in stretching, obtaining, influencing, etc.
a continuous, uninterrupted extent or stretch, esp. of water
20. US
a pole joining the rear axle to the forward part of a wagon
21. Nautical
a tack sailed with the wind coming more or less from abeam
it may be a close reach, with the wind forward of the beam; a beam reach, with the wind abeam; or a broad reach, with the wind abaft the beam
SYNONYMY NOTE: reach, the broadest of these terms, implies an arriving at some goal, destination, pointin development, etc. [he's reached the age of 60]; gain1 suggests the exertion of considerable effort to reach some goal [they've gained the top of the hill]; achieve suggests the use of skill in reaching something [we've achieved a great victory]; attain suggests a being goaded on by great ambition to gain an end regarded as beyond thereach of most persons [she has attained great fame in her profession]; accomplish implies success in completing an assigned task [to accomplish an end]
Derived forms
reacher (ˈreacher)
Word origin
ME rechen < OE ræcan, akin to Ger reichen < IE *rēiĝ-, to stretch out, extend the hand, akin to base *reĝ-, straight, stretch, direct > right
More idioms containing
reach fever pitch
reach for the stars
Examples of 'reach' in a sentence
It was not just the weather that reached boiling point that summer.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
The sadness for me is that rock has reached a dead end.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The new system extends the reach of national insurance.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
He was unable to reach her or get her out.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Are there no limits to its reach?
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
It feels as though it settled for mediocrity rather than reaching for something a bit special.
The Sun (2016)
The list of those who came through the centres and reached the first team is a long and distinguished one.
The Sun (2016)
The historic town of Whitby is also within easy reach.
The Sun (2016)
I reached out my hand to shake hers.
The Sun (2016)
Social media is far reaching and permanent - what seemed like fun during the party can have a serious effect on your career years down the line.
The Sun (2016)
He had a dreadful flat period when he seemed to reach a random point of despair.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Yet again we had reached a dead end.
Thompson, Sir Peter Sharing the Success - the story of NFC (1990)
They have gradually extended their reach across much of the country.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
He kept trying to reach me and getting swept away.
Paul Preston DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain (2002)
Those skirts of glass have so far reached only the midriff.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Neither a nurse nor her terrified grandad a few feet away could reach her.
The Sun (2008)
Live entertainment awaits those who reach the centre.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Two people who think love has reached its limits are ready to think again.
The Sun (2011)
Scotland may only now have reached something like a population equilibrium.
The Times Literary Supplement (2012)
In time the campaign reached the stage it always reached.
Philip Marsden The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy (2007)
Set targets that you feel are beyond your reach.
The Sun (2014)
Tickets are very expensive and normally beyond our reach.
The Sun (2008)
The jury took two days to reach their verdict.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
This should impress if you reach the stage of being called for an interview.
Tondeur, Keith Say Goodbye to Debt (1994)
Continue to boil for five minutes until setting point is reached again.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Her product life cycle is reaching an end.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
And then she said she would get liposuction to reach her ideal weight.
The Sun (2008)
This is an animal right on the far reaches of the possible.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Meals were placed out of reach or taken away before they had time to finish.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Keep following the path until you reach the town centre.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
She reaches out her hand to touch the old woman.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Other herbs were within easy reach.
Benjamin Woolley THE HERBALIST: Nicholas Culpeper Rebel Physician (2004)
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: reach /riːtʃ/ VERB
arrive at When you reach a place, you arrive there.
We will not reach home until midnight.
American English: reach
Arabic: يَصِلُ
Brazilian Portuguese: alcançar
Chinese: 到达
Croatian: stići
Czech: dorazit na místo
Danish: nå
Dutch: bereiken aankomen
European Spanish: alcanzar lugar
Finnish: saapua saavuttaa jokin
French: atteindre
German: erreichen
Greek: φτάνω
Italian: raggiungere
Japanese: 着く
Korean: (...에) 닿다
Norwegian: strekke
Polish: dojść
European Portuguese: alcançar
Romanian: a ajunge
Russian: достигать
Latin American Spanish: alcanzar Llegar a tocar
Swedish: sträcka
Thai: ไปถึง
Turkish: ulaşmak
Ukrainian: добиратися
Vietnamese: tới
British English: reach /riːtʃ/ VERB
stretch If you reach somewhere, you move your arm and hand to take or touch something.
I reached into my bag and brought out a pen.
American English: reach
Arabic: يـَمُدُّ يَدَهُ
Brazilian Portuguese: alcançar
Chinese: 够…东西
Croatian: posegnuti
Czech: dosáhnoutna něco
Danish: række
Dutch: reiken
European Spanish: alargar la mano
Finnish: kurottaa
French: atteindreen allongeant le bras
German: greifen
Greek: φτάνω
Italian: allungare
Japanese: 手を伸ばす
Korean: ~쪽으로 뻗다
Norwegian: hente
Polish: sięgać
European Portuguese: alcançar
Romanian: a se întinde până la
Russian: достать
Latin American Spanish: alcanzar
Swedish: sträcka sig
Thai: เอื้อมมือไป
Turkish: erişmek
Ukrainian: досягати
Vietnamese: với tay
All related terms of 'reach'
reach out
to attempt to establish friendly or sympathetic relations (with someone)
reach court
A court is a place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury or by a magistrate .
global reach
When people talk about the global reach of a company or industry, they mean its ability to have customers in many different parts of the world.
reach agreement
Agreement on something is a joint decision that a particular course of action should be taken.
a garment that is cheaply ready-made or second-hand
reach a settlement
A settlement is an official agreement between two sides who were involved in a conflict or argument.
reach fever pitch
to become very intense and exciting , or very desperate
If you say that someone overreaches themselves , you mean that they fail at something because they are trying to do more than they are able to.
reach for the moon
to desire or attempt something unattainable or difficult to obtain
extended reach drilling
Extended reach drilling is drilling a well horizontally to at least twice its vertical depth .
reach for the stars
to be very ambitious and try hard to achieve something, even though it may be very difficult
to reach new heights
to become higher than ever before
to go for the brass ring
to try to succeed in an area where there is a lot of competition
Chinese translation of 'reach'
(= arrive at)
[place, destination]到达(達) (dàodá)
[conclusion, agreement, decision]达(達)成 (dáchéng)
[stage, level, age]达(達)到 (dádào)
(= be able to touch) 够(夠)着(著) (gòuzháo)
(= get hold of) 联(聯)络(絡) (liánluò)
(= stretch out one's arm) 伸手 (shēnshǒu)
(= range)[of arm]伸手可及的范(範)围(圍) (shēnshǒu kějí de fànwéi)
reach 和 arrive 都可以指到达某个地方。reach 后可以直接加表示地点的名词或代词,而且强调需要很大努力才能到达。 To reach the capital might not be easy.arrive at 和 reach 还可以表示某人最终做了决定或找到了答案。 It took hours to arrive at a decision ... They were unable to reach a decision.
within reach伸手可及 (shēnshǒu kějí)
out of reach远(遠)离(離) (yuǎnlí)
within reach of ... 离(離) ... 近 (lí ... jìn)
within easy reach of ... 离(離) ... 很近 (lí ... hěn jìn)
beyond the reach of sb/sth (fig) 超出某人/某事能力之外 (chāochū mǒurén/mǒushì nénglì zhī wài)
"keep out of the reach of children""远(遠)离(離)儿(兒)童" ("yuǎnlí értóng")