Giving someone a severe kicking is clearly against the law.
A Labour official said that people who wanted to give the Government a kicking hadstayed at home rather than vote.
Examples of 'kicking' in a sentence
Once she was on the ground again, they set about her; punching, scratching, swearing, kicking, spitting.
Mark Burnell CHAMELEON (2002)
There was another long ring on the doorbell, followed by a hard kicking sound.
O'Connor, Joe DESPERADOES (2002)
All related terms of 'kicking'
If you kick someone or something, you hit them forcefully with your foot.
alive and kicking
If you say that someone or something is alive and kicking , you are emphasizing not only that they continue to survive , but also that they are very active.
kick down
If someone kicks something down or if they kick it in , they hit it violently with their foot so that it breaks or falls over.
kick in
If something kicks in , it begins to take effect .
kick on
to continue
kick up
If you kick up a fuss about something, you make it very obvious that you are annoyed or dissatisfied .
kicking and screaming
If you say that someone is dragged kicking and screaming into a particular course of action , you are emphasizing that they are very unwilling to do what they are being made to do.
kick ass
to be impressive , esp in a forceful way
kick off
In football, when the players kick off , they start a game by kicking the ball from the centre of the pitch .
kick out
To kick someone out of a place means to force them to leave it.
drop kick
a kick in certain sports such as rugby , in which the ball is dropped and kicked as it bounces from the ground
kick about
to treat harshly
kick back
If you kick back , you relax .
place kick
a kick in which the ball is placed in position before it is kicked
kick against
If you kick against a situation you dislike but cannot control, you react against it in a violent , sudden , or extreme way.
kick around
If you kick around ideas or suggestions , you discuss them informally.
kick upstairs
to promote to a nominally higher but effectively powerless position
A kickback is a sum of money that is paid to someone illegally, for example money which a company pays someone to arrange for the company to be chosen to do an important job .