You use known to describe someone or something that is clearly recognized by or familiar to all people or to a particular group of people.
...He was a known drug dealer.
He became one of the best known actors of his day.
Lead was one of the metals known to the ancient world.
This plant has long been known for its medicinal qualities.
The sport is still little known.
Synonyms: famous, well-known, celebrated, popular More Synonyms of known
3. adjective
If someone or something is known for a particular achievement or feature, they are familiar to many people because of that achievement or feature.
He is better known for his film and TV work. [+ for]
See to let it be known
known in British English
1. the past participle of know
specified and identified
a known criminal
a fact or entity known
known in American English
verb transitive, verb intransitive
1. pp. of
within one's knowledge, understanding, etc.; familiar
recognized, proven, etc.
a known expert, a known theory
a known person or thing
Examples of 'known' in a sentence
The marines would have known all about this coincidence.
The Times Literary Supplement (2010)
It became known as a salon in which business was done.
Lucy Moore Liberty: The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France (2006)
It wasn't known if he attended the ceremony.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
It was an advantage for us because if he'd known it could have been a problem.
The Sun (2011)
In terms of hours spent playing, it is one of the biggest entertainment forms the world has known.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
He asked for four more cases to be considered, involving 460 known victims.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
In other languages
British English: known /nəʊn/ ADJECTIVE
You use known to describe someone or something that is clearly recognized by or familiar to all people, or to a particular group of people.
...a known criminal.
American English: known
Arabic: مَشْهُورٌ
Brazilian Portuguese: conhecido
Chinese: 知名的
Croatian: znan
Czech: známý
Danish: kendt
Dutch: bekend duidelijk
European Spanish: conocido familiar
Finnish: tunnettu
French: connu
German: bekannt
Greek: γνωστός
Italian: noto
Japanese: 知られている
Korean: 알려진
Norwegian: kjent
Polish: znany
European Portuguese: conhecido
Romanian: știut
Russian: известный
Latin American Spanish: conocido
Swedish: känd
Thai: เป็นที่รู้จัก
Turkish: bilinen
Ukrainian: відомий
Vietnamese: được biết
All related terms of 'known'
If you know a fact, a piece of information , or an answer , you have it correctly in your mind .
A well-known person or thing is known about by a lot of people and is therefore famous or familiar . If someone is well-known for a particular activity , a lot of people know about them because of their involvement with that activity.
less widely known; less famous
not widely known; not famed
known quantity
an algebraic quantity whose value is given
to let it be known
If you let it be known that something is the case , or you let something be known , you make sure that people know it or can find out about it.
familiarly known as/familiarly called
If you say that something or someone is familiarly known as a particular thing or familiarly called a particular thing, you are giving the name that people use informally to refer to it.
for reasons best known to oneself
If you do not know why someone did something, you can say that they did it for reasons best known to themselves. You usually use this expression when you do not agree with what they did.
Chinese translation of 'known'
[criminal, cure]已知的 (yǐzhī de)
to be known for sth因某事而出名 (yīn mǒushì ér chūmíng)
All related terms of 'known'
( facts, dates ) 知道 zhīdào ⇒ I don't know her address. → 我不知道她的地址。 Wǒ bù zhīdào tā de dìzhǐ.
( person ) 有名的 yǒumíng de
had I but known
要是我知道的话(話) yàoshì wǒ zhīdào de huà
otherwise known as ...
又以 ... 为(為)人们(們)所熟知 yòu yǐ ... wéi rénmen suǒ shúzhī