Social Security's recomputation of past wages adjusts not just for inflation butalso for the growth in purchasing power that generally accompanies productivity improvementsin the economy.
Examples of 'recomputation' in a sentence
Recomputation of optimal trajectories becomes necessary for any change in the parameters.
Satish C. Mohleji MEng, Paul A. V. Thomas PhD, MIEE, SMIEEE, AMACM, MEIC 1970, 'Switching Strategy for Optimal Adaptive Third Order Control Systems', Measurement + Control Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The periodical recomputation of these parameters allows the application to maintain a constant degree of precision.
Miguel Damas, Gonzalo Olivares, Juan M. Górriz, Javier Ramírez, Alberto Olivares 2012, 'Detection of (In)activity Periods in Human Body Motion Using Inertial Sensors: A ComparativeStudy', Sensors Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Among these values are computed addresses, which traditionally are recovered through forward recomputation and storage in memory.
L. Hascoët, J. Utke, U. Naumann 2008, 'Cheaper Adjoints by Reversing Address Computations', Scientific Programming Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The essential findings and income characteristics are introduced, including recomputation to the physical and so-called standardized member.
Ladislav Stejskal, Jana Pustinová, Jana Stávková 2010, 'Czech households' income conditions according to the EU SILC statistics', Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (