a revolutionary movement and theory advocating the seizure of the means of production and distribution by syndicates of workers through direct action, esp a general strike
an economic system resulting from such action
Derived forms
syndical (ˈsyndical)
syndicalist (ˈsyndicalist)
adjective, noun
syndicalistic (ˌsyndicalˈistic)
syndicalism in American English
a theory and movement of trade unionism, esp. in Europe between 1890 and 1920, in which all means of production and distribution would bebrought under the control of federations of labor unions by the use of direct action, such as general strikes
Derived forms
syndicalist (ˈsyndicalist)
adjective, noun
syndicalistic (ˌsyndicalˈistic)
Word origin
Fr syndicalisme < syndical, of a syndic or labor union (chambre syndicale) < syndic: see syndic