Word forms: plural synthesizersregional note: in BRIT, also use synthesiser
countable noun
A synthesizer is an electronic machine that produces speech, music, or other sounds, usually by combining individual syllables or sounds that have been previously recorded.
Now he can only communicate through a voice synthesiser.
...synthesizer music.
synthesizer in British English
or synthesiser (ˈsɪnθɪˌsaɪzə)
an electrophonic instrument, usually operated by means of a keyboard and pedals, in which sounds are produced by voltage-controlled oscillators, filters, and amplifiers, with an envelope generator module that controls attack, decay, sustain, and release
a person or thing that synthesizes
synthesizer in American English
a person or thing that synthesizes
2. US
an electronic device containing filters, oscillators, and voltage-control amplifiers,used to produce sounds unobtainable from ordinary musical instruments or to imitate instruments and voices
Examples of 'synthesizer' in a sentence
Then came the keyboards player, adding a shimmering chord from the synthesizer.
Val McDermid DEAD BEAT (2002)
He promised that he could record whole sequences of memories as one might record musical notes on a synthesizer.
Zindell, David THE BROKEN GOD (2002)
Always wanted to learn to play the piano, maybe get a synthesizer, program in the chords, do it one-handed.
Terman, Douglas CORMORANT (2002)
He stood up and went to make himself some tea at the kitchen's rattletrap synthesizer.
Tony Daniel METAPLANETARY (2002)
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In other languages
British English: synthesizer NOUN
A synthesizer is an electronic machine that produces speech, music, or other sounds, usually by combining individual syllables or sounds that have been previously recorded.
Now he can only communicate through a voice synthesiser.