Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense systematizes, present participle systematizing, past tense, past participle systematizedregional note: in BRIT, also use systematise
If you systematize things, you make them organized.
You need to systematize your approach to problem solving. [VERB noun]
[Also VERB]
Synonyms: arrange, organize, rationalize, sequence More Synonyms of systematize
systematization (sɪstəmətaɪzeɪʃən, US -tɪz-)uncountable noun
...a systematization of management practice. [+ of]
systematize in British English
(ˈsɪstɪməˌtaɪz), systemize or systematise or systemise
to arrange in a system
Derived forms
systematization (ˌsystematiˈzation) or systematisation (ˌsystematiˈsation) or systemization (ˌsystemiˈzation) or systemisation (ˌsystemiˈsation)
systematizer (ˈsystemaˌtizer) or systematiser (ˈsystemaˌtiser) or systemizer (ˈsystemˌizer) or systemiser (ˈsystemˌiser)
systematize in American English
verb transitiveWord forms: ˈsystemaˌtized or ˈsystemaˌtizing
to form into a system; arrange according to a system; make systematic