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View usage for: (læm) verbWord forms: lams, lamming or lammed slang1. (transitive) to thrash or beat 2. (intr; usually foll by into or out) to make a sweeping stroke or blow Word origin C16: from Scandinavian; related to Old Norse lemja (læm) US and Canadian slang noun1. a sudden flight or escape, esp to avoid arrest 2. on the lam verbWord forms: lams, lamming or lammed3. (intransitive) to escape or flee Word origin C19: perhaps from lam1 (hence, to be off) Lamentations in British English (ˌlæmɛnˈteɪʃənz) noun (functioning as singular)1. a book of the Old Testament, traditionally ascribed to the prophet Jeremiah, lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem 2. a musical setting of these poems lam in American English 1 (læm) verb transitive, verb intransitiveWord forms: lammed or ˈlamming Slang, Obsolete to beat; hit; strike Word origin < Scand, as in ON lemja, lit., to lame: see UNRESOLVED CROSS REFlam in American English 2 (læm) US noun1. Slang headlong flight, usually to escape punishment for a crime verb intransitiveWord forms: lammed or ˈlamming Idioms: on the lam take it on the lam Word origin < ? lam 1: cf. slang beat it!More idioms containinglam on the lam Examples of 'lam' in a sentencelam So, three times in a single day Maguire had taken it on the lam - from the socialworker, from her mother, from her friend.Amazing: life on the lam might be cruel, but I hadn't looked this terrific in years. Definition to attack vigorously Additional synonymsDefinition to hit repeatedly He battered his opponent around the head. Synonyms beat, hit, strike, knock, assault, smash, punch, belt (informal), deck (slang), bang, bash (informal), lash, thrash, pound, lick (informal), buffet, flog, maul, pelt, clobber (slang), smite, wallop (informal), pummel, tonk (informal), cudgel, thwack, lambast(e), belabour, dash against, beat the living daylights out of, lay one on (slang), drub, beat or knock seven bells out of (informal) Definition to strike with a series of violent blows He lost the boxing match and was badly beaten by his opponent. Synonyms batter, break, hit, strike, knock, punch, belt (informal), whip, deck (slang), bruise, bash (informal), sock (slang), lash, chin (slang), pound, smack, thrash, cane, thump, lick (informal), buffet, clout (informal), flog, whack (informal), maul, clobber (slang), wallop (informal), tonk (informal), cudgel, thwack (informal), lambast(e), lay one on (slang), drub, tan (informal), lam (informal), beat or knock seven bells out of (informal) Definition to strike or touch (a person or thing) forcefully She hit him hard across his left arm. Synonyms strike, beat, knock, punch, belt (informal), deck (slang), bang, batter, clip (informal), slap, bash (informal), sock (slang), chin (slang), smack, thump, clout (informal), cuff, flog, whack, clobber (slang), smite (archaic), wallop (informal), swat, tonk (slang), lay one on (slang), beat or knock seven bells out of (informal) - lair
- laissez faire
- lake
- lam
- lama
- lambast
- lambent
Additional synonymsDefinition to give a blow or push to He was mucking around and he knocked her in the stomach. Synonyms hit, strike, punch, belt (informal), slap, chin (slang), smack, thump, clap, cuff, smite (archaic), thwack, lay one on (slang), beat or knock seven bells out of (informal) Definition to throw (missiles) at Crowds started to pelt police cars with stones. Synonyms shower, beat, strike, pepper, batter, thrash, bombard, wallop (informal), assail, pummel, hurl at, cast at, belabour, sling at Definition to hit heavily and repeatedly He pounded the table with his fist. Synonyms beat, strike, hammer (informal), batter, thrash, thump, pelt, clobber (slang), pummel, belabour, beat or knock seven bells out of (informal), beat the living daylights out of Definition to hit (someone) She took two steps forward and struck him across the mouth. Synonyms hit, smack, thump, pound, beat, box, knock, punch, hammer, deck (slang), slap, sock (slang), chin (slang), buffet, clout (informal), cuff, clump (slang), swipe, clobber (slang), smite, wallop (informal), lambast(e), lay a finger on (informal), lay one on (slang), beat or knock seven bells out of (informal) Definition to beat (someone), esp. with a stick or whip He was thrashed with a cane until his skin turned red. Synonyms beat, wallop, whip, hide (informal), belt (informal), leather, tan (slang), cane, lick (informal), paste (slang), birch, flog, scourge, spank, clobber (slang), lambast(e), flagellate, horsewhip, give someone a (good) hiding (informal), drub, take a stick to, beat or knock seven bells out of (informal) |