释义 |
View usage for: (wɜːʳθləs) 1. adjectiveSomething that is worthless is of no real value or use. The guarantee could be worthless if the firm goes out of business. Training is worthless unless there is proof that it works. ...a worthless piece of old junk. Synonyms: useless, meaningless, pointless, futile More Synonyms of worthless 2. adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE]Someone who is described as worthless is considered to have no good qualities or skills. You feel you really are completely worthless and unlovable. worthlessness uncountable noun ...feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. More Synonyms of worthless worthless in British English (ˈwɜːθlɪs) adjective1. without practical value or usefulness 2. without merit; good-for-nothing Derived forms worthlessly (ˈworthlessly) adverb worthlessness (ˈworthlessness) noun worthless in American English (ˈwɜrθlɪs) adjective without worth or merit; useless, valueless, etc. Derived forms worthlessly (ˈworthlessly) adverb worthlessness (ˈworthlessness) noun Examples of 'worthless' in a sentenceworthless Before him my real dad was abusive and made me feel worthless.It can make us feel worthless.Your cruelty and dishonesty made him feel worthless.The thought of it makes me feel worthless and cheap.Otherwise your sense of self is lost and you feel worthless.Nobody will make me feel worthless again.It made me feel worthless that he would treat me so badly and purposefully look to cheat.It made him feel small and worthless.He made me feel worthless and ugly.Old toys that you consider worthless could make you some money if they are still in good condition.But no one should be made to feel they are worthless because of a few wrinkles and grey hairs.What used to be a finely crafted shoe was now a worthless piece of junk held together by glue and hope.It made me feel totally worthless.I want rid of this worthless junk.That makes me feel worthless.He buys worthless junk from the villagers - and persuades them to tell him their deepest secrets in his back room at midnight.This makes me feel worthless and I find myself getting envious of couples who talk to each other.Little tokens of frozen value, worthless pieces of coin, become sources of identity.She said there's no point fighting what's happened and that makes me feel worthless.Indeed, they are often regarded as lazy and worthless persons who constitute drains on society's resources.He's in a flat in an expensive part of town - and wading through a load of worthless old tat. In other languagesworthless British English: worthless / ˈwɜːθlɪs/ ADJECTIVE Something that is worthless is of no real use or value. ...a worthless piece of rubbish. - American English: worthless
- Arabic: عَدِيـمُ القِيمَة
- Brazilian Portuguese: sem valor
- Chinese: 无价值的
- Croatian: bezvrijedan
- Czech: bezcenný
- Danish: værdiløs
- Dutch: waardeloos
- European Spanish: sin valor
- Finnish: arvoton
- French: qui ne vaut rien
- German: wertlos
- Greek: τιποτένιος
- Italian: senza valore
- Japanese: 価値のない
- Korean: 가치 없는
- Norwegian: verdiløs
- Polish: bezwartościowy
- European Portuguese: sem valor
- Romanian: fără valoare
- Russian: бесполезный
- Latin American Spanish: sin valor
- Swedish: värdelös
- Thai: ที่ไม่มีคุณค่า
- Turkish: değersiz
- Ukrainian: нікчемний
- Vietnamese: không có giá trị
Chinese translation of 'worthless' adj -
毫无(無)价(價)值的 (háo wú jiàzhí de)
Definition without value or usefulness This piece of old junk is totally worthless. Synonyms miserable two a penny (informal) poxy (slang) nickel-and-dime (US, slang) wanky (vulgar, slang) a dime a dozen chickenshit (US, slang) negligible Opposites valuable , precious , profitable Definition without value or usefulness Training is worthless unless there is proof that it works. Synonyms no use unusable not much cop (British, slang) inutile not worth a hill of beans mainly US) pants (slang) Opposites important , significant , effective , useful , valuable , profitable , productive , worthwhile , fruitful , consequential Definition without merit Murphy was an evil, worthless man. Synonyms Opposites decent , worthy , noble , upright , honourable Additional synonymsSynonyms depraved, corrupt, dissipated, wicked, sinful, wanton, profligate, debauched, dissolute, reprobatean abject traitor Synonyms despicable, base, degraded, worthless, vile, sordid, debased, reprehensible, ignominious, contemptible, dishonourable, ignoble, detestable, scungy (Australian, New Zealand) Definition dishonourable or immoral Love has the power to overcome the baser emotions. Synonyms dishonourable, evil, corrupt, infamous, disgraceful, vulgar, shameful, vile, immoral, scandalous, wicked, sordid, abject, despicable, depraved, ignominious, disreputable, contemptible, villainous, ignoble, discreditable, scungy (Australian, New Zealand) Additional synonymsDefinition deserving to be despised or hated Her husband is a contemptible little man.It was an utterly contemptible thing to do. Synonyms despicable, mean, low, base, cheap (informal), worthless, shameful, shabby, vile, degenerate, low-down (informal), paltry, pitiful, abject, ignominious, measly (informal), scurvy (old-fashioned), detestable, odiousDefinition morally bad It has been condemned as the most depraved film of its kind. Synonyms corrupt, abandoned, perverted, evil, vicious, degraded, vile, degenerate, immoral, wicked, shameless, sinful, lewd, debased, profligate, debauched, lascivious, dissolute, licentious, pervy (slang) Definition deserving contempt He said it was a despicable crime. Synonyms contemptible, mean, low, base, cheap (informal), infamous, degrading, worthless, disgraceful, shameful, vile, sordid, pitiful, abject, hateful, reprehensible, ignominious, disreputable, wretched, scurvy (old-fashioned), detestable, scungy (Australian, New Zealand), beyond contempt Definition useless or having no chance of success a futile attempt to ward off the blow Synonyms useless, vain, unsuccessful, pointless, empty, hollow, in vain, worthless, barren, sterile, fruitless, forlorn, unproductive, abortive, to no avail, ineffectual, unprofitable, valueless, unavailing, otiose, profitless, nugatory, without rhyme or reason, bootlessDefinition dishonourable an ignoble episode from their country's past Synonyms dishonourable, low, base, mean, petty, infamous, degraded, craven, disgraceful, shabby, vile, degenerate, abject, unworthy, shameless, despicable, heinous, dastardly (old-fashioned), contemptible, wretchedDefinition having no effect or an inadequate effect the well-meaning but ineffectual jobs programs of the past Synonyms unproductive, useless, ineffective, vain, unsuccessful, pointless, futile, fruitless, to no avail, unprofitable, to no effect, unavailing, unfruitful, profitless, bootless, inefficaciousDefinition having little or no importance In 1949 it was still a small, insignificant city. Synonyms unimportant, minor, irrelevant, petty, trivial, meaningless, trifling, meagre, negligible, flimsy, paltry, immaterial, inconsequential, nondescript, measly (informal), scanty, inconsiderable, of no consequence, nonessential, small potatoes, nickel-and-dime (US, slang), of no account, nugatory, unsubstantial, not worth mentioning, of no moment, wanky (taboo, slang) Definition having no meaning or purpose They seek strong sensations to dull their sense of a meaningless existence. Synonyms pointless, empty, useless, hollow, vain, trivial, worthless, futile, trifling, insignificant, aimless, valueless, purposeless, nugatoryDefinition too small in quantity or value The average bathroom measures a measly 3.5 metres. Synonyms meagre, miserable, pathetic, paltry, mean, poor, petty, beggarly, pitiful, skimpy, puny, stingy, contemptible, scanty, miserly, niggardly, ungenerous, mingy (British, informal), snoep (South Africa, informal) Definition so small or unimportant as to be not worth considering Managers are convinced that the strike will have a negligible effect. Synonyms insignificant, small, minute, minor, petty, trivial, trifling, unimportant, inconsequential, imperceptible, nickel-and-dime (US, slang) Additional synonymsDefinition of little value They wrote for the magazine for fees that were either non-existent or nugatory. Synonyms trivial, worthless, trifling, insignificant, valuelessDefinition insignificant She had no interest in such paltry concerns. Synonyms insignificant, trivial, worthless, unimportant, small, low, base, minor, slight, petty, trifling, Mickey Mouse (slang), piddling (informal), toytown (slang), poxy (slang), nickel-and-dime (US, slang), picayune (US), chickenshit (US, slang), twopenny-halfpenny (British, informal) Definition without meaning or purpose Violence is always pointless. Synonyms senseless, meaningless, futile, fruitless, unproductive, stupid, silly, useless, absurd, irrelevant, in vain, worthless, ineffectual, unprofitable, nonsensical, aimless, inane, unavailing, without rhyme or reason Definition disappointing or disagreeable The meal was very poor.He was a poor actor. Synonyms inferior, unsatisfactory, mediocre, second-rate, sorry, weak, pants (informal), rotten (informal), faulty, feeble, worthless, shabby, shoddy, low-grade, below par, substandard, low-rent (informal), for the birds (informal, old-fashioned), crappy (slang), valueless, no great shakes (informal, old-fashioned), rubbishy, poxy (slang), piss-poor (slang), chickenshit (US, slang), not much cop (British, slang), half-pie (New Zealand, informal), strictly for the birds (informal, old-fashioned), bodger or bodgie (Australian, slang) some old rubbishy cop movie Synonyms trashy, cheap, worthless, paltry, shoddy, tawdry, tatty, throwaway, valueless, gimcrack, twopenny, brummagem, twopenny-halfpenny I was watching some trashy TV show. Synonyms worthless, cheap, inferior, shabby, flimsy, shoddy, tawdry, tinsel, thrown together, crappy (slang), meretricious, rubbishy, poxy (slang), chickenshit (US, slang), catchpenny, brummagem, cheap-jack (informal), of a sort or of sorts Definition insignificant, petty, or frivolous The guests had each paid £250, no trifling sum. Synonyms insignificant, small, tiny, empty, slight, silly, shallow, petty, idle, trivial, worthless, negligible, unimportant, frivolous, paltry, minuscule, puny, measly, piddling (informal), inconsiderable, valueless, nickel-and-dime (US, slang), footling (informal) Definition of little importance I don't like to visit the doctor just for something trivial. Synonyms unimportant, little, small, minor, slight, everyday, petty, meaningless, commonplace, worthless, trifling, insignificant, negligible, frivolous, paltry, incidental, puny, inconsequential, trite, inconsiderable, valueless, nickel-and-dime (US, slang), wanky (taboo, slang), chickenshit (US, slang) Definition useless or futile a brave but unavailing fight against a terminal illness Synonyms useless, unsuccessful, ineffective, futile, vain, idle, pointless, fruitless, unproductive, abortive, ineffectual, to no purpose, of no avail, bootlessDefinition trivial or insignificant It was an unimportant job, and paid very little. Synonyms insignificant, minor, petty, trivial, slight, irrelevant, worthless, trifling, paltry, immaterial, inconsequential, low-ranking, of no consequence, nickel-and-dime (US, slang), of no account, nugatory, not worth mentioning, of no moment Additional synonymsDefinition morally wicked a vile and despicable crime Synonyms wicked, base, evil, mean, bad, low, shocking, appalling, ugly, corrupt, miserable, vicious, humiliating, perverted, coarse, degrading, worthless, disgraceful, vulgar, degenerate, abject, sinful, despicable, depraved, debased, loathsome, contemptible, impure, wretched, nefarious, ignobleDefinition of poor quality What a wretched excuse! Synonyms worthless, poor, sorry, miserable, pathetic, inferior, paltry, deplorable |