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View usage for: (læsɪtjuːd, US -tuːd) uncountable nounLassitude is a state of tiredness, laziness, or lack of interest. [formal] Symptoms of anaemia include general fatigue and lassitude. ...periods of lassitude and inactivity. Synonyms: weariness, fatigue, exhaustion, apathy More Synonyms of lassitude lassitude in British English (ˈlæsɪˌtjuːd) nounphysical or mental weariness Word origin C16: from Latin lassitūdō, from lassus tired lassitude in American English (ˈlæsɪˌtud; ˈlæsɪˌtjud) noun a state or feeling of being tired and listless; weariness; languor Word origin Fr < L lassitudo < lassus, faint, weary: see late Synonyms of 'lassitude'weariness, fatigue, exhaustion, apathy More Synonyms of lassitude Definition physical or mental weariness Symptoms of anaemia include general fatigue and lassitude. Synonyms tiredness dullness listlessness enervationsluggardliness Additional synonymsDefinition lack of interest or enthusiasm the political apathy of many people these days Synonyms lack of interest, indifference, inertia, coolness, passivity, coldness, stoicism, nonchalance, torpor, phlegm, sluggishness, listlessness, unconcern, insensibility, unresponsiveness, impassivity, passiveness, impassibility, unfeelingness, emotionlessness, uninterestedness Big meals cause drowsiness. Synonyms sleepiness, tiredness, lethargy, torpor, sluggishness, languor (literary), somnolence, heavy eyelids, doziness, torpidity, oscitancy Synonyms weakness, weakening, fatigue, exhaustion, impotence, paralysis, tiredness, incapacity, powerlessness, infirmity, lassitude, debility, feebleness, prostration, debilitation, enfeeblement, exhaustedness - lash
- lash out at someone
- lass
- lassitude
- last
- last out
- last something out
Additional synonymsDefinition boredom and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of activity or excitement She suffered from ennui whenever she was alone. Synonyms boredom, dissatisfaction, tiredness, the doldrums, lethargy, tedium, lassitude, listlessnessDefinition extreme tiredness He is suffering from nervous exhaustion. Synonyms tiredness, fatigue, weariness, lassitude, feebleness, prostration, debilitation, enervationDefinition extreme physical or mental tiredness Those affected suffer extreme fatigue. Synonyms tiredness, lethargy, weariness, ennui (literary), heaviness, debility, languor, listlessness, overtiredness There was a heaviness in the air that stunned them. Synonyms sluggishness, torpor, numbness, dullness, lassitude, languor, deadness Definition a feeling of unwillingness to do anything I resented her inertia and lack of self direction. Synonyms inactivity, apathy, lethargy, passivity, stillness, laziness, sloth, idleness, stupor, drowsiness, dullness, immobility, torpor, sluggishness, indolence, lassitude, languor, listlessness, deadness, unresponsiveness, disinclination to move She, in her languor, had not troubled to eat much. Synonyms lethargy, weakness, fatigue, apathy, inertia, frailty, weariness, ennui (literary), torpor, heaviness, lassitude, debility, feebleness, listlessness, faintness, enervationDefinition an abnormal lack of energy Symptoms include tiredness, paleness and lethargy. Synonyms sluggishness, inertia, inaction, slowness, indifference, apathy, sloth, stupor, drowsiness, dullness, torpor, sleepiness, lassitude, languor, listlessness, torpidity, hebetude (rare) his affliction with nervous prostration Synonyms exhaustion, collapse, depression, weakness, despair, grief, paralysis, helplessness, weariness, desolation, despondency, dejection, depth of misery a medical condition which causes sluggishness and bad breath Synonyms inactivity, lethargy, drowsiness, apathy, inertia, stagnation, dullness, torpor, heaviness, indolence, lassitude, languor, listlessness, somnolence, slothfulness Definition drowsiness and apathy The sick person gradually falls into a torpor. Synonyms inactivity, apathy, inertia, lethargy, passivity, laziness, numbness, sloth, stupor, drowsiness, dullness, sluggishness, indolence, languor, listlessness, somnolence, inertness, stagnancy, accidie, inanition, torpidity, acedia |