A regatta is a sports event consisting of races between yachts or rowing boats.
regatta in British English
an organized series of races of yachts, rowing boats, etc
Word origin
C17: from obsolete Italian (Venetian dialect) rigatta contest, of obscure origin
regatta in American English
(rɪˈgɑtə; rɪˈgætə)
a boat race
a series of such races
Word origin
It (Venetian) regata, gondola race, lit., a striving for mastery < rigattare, to compete, wrangle < ri- (< L re-, re-) + grattare, to scratch < Gmc *kratton > Ger kratzen
Examples of 'regatta' in a sentence
This was the first qualification regatta for the Olympics.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
I sealed the regatta win and it worked out.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
In other languages
British English: regatta NOUN
A regatta is a sports event consisting of races between yachts or rowing boats.