a device that receives or dissipates the power from an amplifier, oscillator, generator, or some other source of signals
the power delivered by a machine, generator, circuit, etc
the force acting on a component in a mechanism or structure
the resistance overcome by an engine or motor when it is driving a machine, etc
an external force applied to a component or mechanism
10. a load of
11. get a load of
12. have a load on
13. shoot one's load
verb also (obsolete or dialect): loaden(mainly tr)
14. (also intr)
to place or receive (cargo, goods, etc) upon (a ship, lorry, etc)
to burden or oppress
to supply or beset (someone) with in abundance or overwhelmingly
they loaded her with gifts
to cause to be biased
to load a question
18. (also intr)
to put an ammunition charge into (a firearm)
19. photography
to position (a film, cartridge, or plate) in (a camera)
to weight or bias (a roulette wheel, dice, etc)
21. insurance
to increase (a premium) to cover expenses, etc
to draw power from (an electrical device, such as a generator)
to add material of high atomic number to (concrete) to increase its effectiveness as a radiation shield
to increase the power output of (an electric circuit)
to increase the work required from (an engine or motor)
to apply force to (a mechanism or component)
27. computing
to transfer (a program) to a memory
28. load the dice
Ld in British English
abbreviation for
Lord (title)
LD in British English
abbreviation for
lethal dosage: usually used with a subscript numeral showing what percentage of a test group of animals dies as a result of either being given a substance being tested on them or being exposed to ionizing radiation, esp in the median lethal dose