But after further talks between the club and the BBC, it was announced that a breakthroughin negotiations had taken place.
During talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in early July 2004, El-Baradeibasically concurred with the Russian assessment and Iranian claims.
The BBC reports that the Home Secretary Charles Clarke is to hold talks on the futureof Yarl's Wood detention centre in Bedfordshire.
The US and Pakistan met in Washington last March for a round of talks on regionaland global non-proliferation issues.
In any event, the ink on this settlement was barely dry before the talks collapsedamid acrimonious recriminations.
Examples of 'talks' in a sentence
There's something about the way he talks of her that doesn't fit.
Ferrars, Elizabeth THE OTHER DEVIL'S NAME (2002)
All related terms of 'talks'
When you talk , you use spoken language to express your thoughts, ideas, or feelings.
money talks
If you say that money talks , you mean that if someone has a lot of money, they also have a lot of power .
peace talks
negotiating talks (between countries, governments, etc) to end conflict or come to peace
trade talks
discussions on the arrangements for international trade
proximity talks
a diplomatic process whereby an impartial representative acts as go-between for two opposing parties who are willing to attend the same conference but unwilling to meet face to face
talk at
to speak to (a person) in a way that indicates a response is not really wanted
talk up
If someone talks up a particular thing, they make it sound more interesting, valuable , or likely than it originally seemed .
baby talk
Baby talk is the language used by babies when they are just learning to speak , or the way in which some adults speak when they are talking to babies.
the act of answering back, esp impudently
back talk
saucy or insolent retorts
big talk
bragging or boasting talk
bro talk
M āori English
fast talk
fervent , deceptive patter
jive talk
deliberately misleading or deceptive talk
old talk
superficial chatting
pep talk
A pep talk is a speech which is intended to encourage someone to make more effort or feel more confident .
talk back
If you talk back to someone in authority such as a parent or teacher , you answer them in a rude way.
talk down
To talk down someone who is flying an aircraft in an emergency means to give them instructions so that they can land safely.
talk into
If you talk a person into doing something they do not want to do, especially something wrong or stupid , you persuade them to do it.
talk out
If you talk out something such as a problem, you discuss it thoroughly in order to settle it.
talk over
If you talk something over , you discuss it thoroughly and honestly .
chalk talk
an informal lecture with pertinent points, explanatory diagrams , etc, shown on a blackboard
cross talk
interference in one channel from another or others
sales pitch
A salesperson's sales pitch is what they say in order to persuade someone to buy something from them.
smack talk
disparaging or abusive remarks intended to put off or intimidate someone, esp an opponent prior to or during a sports match
small talk
Small talk is polite conversation about unimportant things that people make at social occasions.
sweet talk
If you sweet talk someone, you talk to them very nicely so that they will do what you want .
table talk
informal conversation on a range of topics , as that at table during and after a meal
talk about
to discuss
talk round
If you talk someone round , you persuade them to change their mind so that they agree with you, or agree to do what you want them to do
trash talk
talk or remarks that are trivial , dishonest , boastful , insulting , etc.
double talk
If you refer to something someone says as double-talk , you mean that it can deceive people or is difficult to understand because it has two possible meanings .
pillow talk
Conversations that people have when they are in bed together can be referred to as pillow talk , especially when they are about secret or private subjects .
to persuade , using a slick , practised, or competent manner that hints of insincerity, glibness, and cynical manipulation
talk through
If you talk something through with someone, you discuss it with them thoroughly.
talk down to
If you say that someone talks down to you, you disapprove of the way they talk to you, treating you as if you are not very intelligent or not very important .
talk out of
If you talk someone out of doing something they want or intend to do, you persuade them not to do it.
chalk and talk
a formal method of teaching , in which the focal points are the blackboard and the teacher's voice , as contrasted with more informal child-centred activities
If you jive , you dance energetically, especially to rock and roll or swing music .