(in medieval Germany) the estates or a meeting of the estates
the legislative assembly representing the people in the North German Confederation (1867–71) and in the German empire (1871–1919)
the sovereign assembly of the Weimar Republic (1919–33)
the building in Berlin in which this assembly met and from 1999 in which the German government meets: its destruction by fire on Feb 27, 1933 (probably by agents of the Nazi government) marked the end of Weimar democracy. It was restored in the 1990s following German reunification
Reichstag in American English
(ˈraɪksˌtɑg; German ˈʀaɪçstɑk)
the former legislative assembly of Germany
Word origin
Ger < Reich (see Reich) + tag, session, meeting, lit., day: see diet2