To evaluate the acaricidal activity, engorged females were submitted to the adult immersion test.
Anne Caroline dos Santos Dantas, Andreina de Carvalho Araujo, Alessandra Gomes MarquesPacheco, Alexsandro Branco, Luis Antônio Sangioni, Jackson Roberto Guedes da SilvaAlmeida, Mauricio Claudio Horta 2015, 'Acaricidal activity of Amburana cearensis on the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus)microplus', Ciência Rural Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Costic acid exhibited potent in vivo acaricidal activity against the parasite.
Kalliopi Sofou, Demosthenis Isaakidis, Apostolos Spyros, Anita Büttner, AthanassiosGiannis, Haralambos E. Katerinopoulos 2017, 'Use of costic acid, a natural extract from Dittrichia viscosa, for the control ofVarroa destructor, a parasite of the European honey bee', Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Acaricidal action varied depending on the part of the plant and method employed.
Roberta C.S. Neves, Claudio A.G. da Camara 2016, 'Chemical composition and acaricidal activity of the essential oils from Vitex agnus-castusL. (Verbenaceae) and selected monoterpenes', Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Milbemycins are macrolide antibiotics with a broad spectrum of nematocidal, insecticidal, and acaricidal activity.
Andris Zeltins, Māris Turks, Dace Skrastina, Jevgeņija Lugiņina, Ieva Kalnciema, InaBalke, Ērika Bizdēna, Vitalijs Skrivelis 2017, 'Synthesis and Immunological Evaluation of Virus-Like Particle-Milbemycin A3/A4 Conjugates',Antibiotics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
They are competitive inhibitors of chitin synthase and show potent fungicidal, insecticidal, and acaricidal activities.
Yang Haihua, Li Lei, Li Jine, Liao Guojian, Tian Yuqing, Tan Huarong 2010, 'Cloning, reassembling and integration of the entire nikkomycin biosynthetic gene clusterinto Streptomyces ansochromogenes lead to an improved nikkomycin production',Microbial Cell Factories Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This study successfully determined the periods of greater oil production and acaricidalactivity.
Paulo H. S. Ribeiro, Maria L. dos Santos, Claudio A. G. da Camara, Flávia S. Born,Christopher W. Fagg 2016, 'SEASONAL CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS OF THE ESSENTIAL OILS OF TWOEugenia SPECIES AND THEIRACARICIDAL PROPERTIES', Química Nova Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
However, nicotine did not reveal any acaricidal activity up to 20000 ppm (2%).
T. P. Adarsh Krishna, T. P. Ajeesh Krishna, N. D. Chithra, P. E. Deepa, U. Darsana,K. P. Sreelekha, Sanis Juliet, Suresh N. Nair, Reghu Ravindran, K. G. Ajith Kumar,Srikanta Ghosh 2014, 'Acaricidal Activity of Petroleum Ether Extract of Leaves of Tetrastigma leucostaphylum(Dennst.) Alston against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus', The Scientific World Journal Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
It was indicated that higher electronegativity was beneficial for acaricidal activity.
Yueting Zhou, Chunjuan Wang, Fang Xin, Xiaoqiang Han, Jie Zhang, Ke Sun 2018, 'Synthesis, Insecticidal, Fungicidal Activities and Structure–Activity Relationshipsof Tschimganin Analogs', Molecules Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A previous study showed its antimicrobial, acaricidal and analgesic activities.
Zilda Cristiani Gazim, Felipe Rodrigues, Ana Carolina Lourenço Amorin, Cláudia Moraesde Rezende, Marina Soković, Vele Tešević, Ivan Vučković, Gordana Krstić, Lucia ElaineRanieri Cortez, Nelson Barros Colauto, Giani Andrea Linde, Diógenes Aparício GarciaCortez 2014, 'New Natural Diterpene-Type Abietane from Tetradenia riparia Essential Oil with Cytotoxicand Antioxidant Activities', Molecules Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
However, the acaricidal mechanism of curcumin remains unknown.
Xuejiao Liu, Dousheng Wu, Yongqiang Zhang, Hong Zhou, Ting Lai, Wei Ding 2016, 'RNA-Seq Analysis Reveals Candidate Targets for Curcumin against Tetranychus cinnabarinus',BioMed Research International Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (