Your bones are the hard parts inside your body which together form your skeleton.
The bare bones of something are its most basic parts or details .
Napier's bones
a set of graduated rods formerly used for multiplication and division
turbinate bones
the thin scroll-shaped bones situated on the walls of the nasal passages
make no bones
If you make no bones about something, you talk openly about it, rather than trying to keep it a secret .
skin and bones
a condition or state of extreme thinness, usually the result of malnutrition ; emaciation
the bare bones
the most basic parts or details of something
bone up
to study intensively
a bag of bones
a lean creature
heel bone
the largest tarsal bone, forming the heel in humans
A jawbone is the bone in the lower jaw of a person or animal.
leg bone
a bone of the leg
long bone
any of the long, cylindrical , marrow-containing bones of the limbs
pin bone
a hip bone on a cow , horse or similar animal, that sticks out
shin bone
the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle
crazy bone
→ funny bone
funny bone
Your funny bone is the soft part of your elbow which gives you an uncomfortable feeling on your skin if it is hit .
hyoid bone
the horseshoe-shaped bone that lies at the base of the tongue and above the thyroid cartilage or a corresponding bone or group of bones in other vertebrates
jugal bone
of or relating to the zygomatic bone
malar bone
of or relating to the cheek or cheekbone
thigh bone
the longest thickest bone of the human skeleton , articulating with the pelvis above and the knee below
feel in one's bones
to have an intuition of
make no bones about
to be direct and candid about
bone up on
If you bone up on a subject , you try to find out about it or remind yourself of what you have already learned about it.
Your breastbone is the long, flat bone which goes from your throat to the bottom of your ribs and to which your ribs are attached .
cannon bone
a bone in the legs of horses and other hoofed animals consisting of greatly elongated fused metatarsals or metacarpals
coffin bone
the terminal phalangeal bone inside the hoof of the horse and similar animals
fetter bone
the part of a horse's foot between the fetlock and the hoof
frontal bone
the bone forming the forehead and the upper parts of the orbits . It contains several air spaces
hamate bone
a wedgelike bone on the side of the wrist connecting the wrist with the fourth and fifth metacarpals , which connect to the ring and little fingers
haunch bone
the ilium , or hipbone
marrow bone
Marrow bones are the bones of certain animals, especially cows , that contain a lot of bone marrow. They are used in cooking and in dog food .
splint bone
one of the rudimentary metacarpal or metatarsal bones in horses and similar animals, occurring on each side of the cannon bone
stirrup bone
the stapes , one of the three bones of the middle ear
cartilage bone
any bone that develops within cartilage rather than in a fibrous tissue membrane
dog and bone
a telephone
innominate bone
either of the two bones that form the sides of the pelvis , consisting of three fused components , the ilium , ischium , and pubis
membrane bone
any bone that develops within membranous tissue , such as the clavicle and bones of the skull , without cartilage formation
occipital bone
the saucer-shaped bone that forms the back part of the skull and part of its base
os coxae
either of the two bones that form the sides of the pelvis , consisting of three fused components, the ilium , ischium , and pubis
os innominatum
either of the two bones that form the sides of the pelvis , consisting of three fused components, the ilium , ischium , and pubis
parietal bone
either of the two bones forming part of the roof and sides of the skull
sphenoid bone
the large butterfly-shaped compound bone at the base of the skull , containing a protective depression for the pituitary gland
splenial bone
a small bone in the lower jaw of some animals, such as reptiles and birds
temporal bone
either of two compound bones forming part of the sides and base of the skull : they surround the organs of hearing
to feel something in your bones in o's bones
If you say that you feel or know something in your bones , you are indicating that you are certain about it, although you cannot explain why.
tympanic bone
the part of the temporal bone in the mammalian skull that surrounds the auditory canal
unciform bone
a small bone of the wrist
zygomatic bone
either of two bones , one on each side of the skull , that form part of the side wall of the eye socket and part of the zygomatic arch ; cheekbone
feel something in your bones
to feel very strongly that you are right about something, although you cannot explain why