

单词 lifesaving

Examples of 'lifesaving' in a sentence

The lifesaving frenzy he had helped create threatened to overwhelm them.

In other languages

British English: life-saving /ˈlaɪfˌseɪvɪŋ/ ADJECTIVE
A life-saving drug, operation, or action is one that saves someone's life or is likely to save their life.
...life-saving drugs such as antibiotics.
  • American English: life-saving
  • Arabic: مُنْقِذٌ لِلحَيَاة
  • Brazilian Portuguese: salva-vida
  • Chinese: 救生的
  • Croatian: što spašava život
  • Czech: život zachraňující
  • Danish: livreddende
  • Dutch: levensreddend
  • European Spanish: que salva vidas
  • Finnish: henkiä pelastava
  • French: de sauvetage
  • German: lebensrettend
  • Greek: σωστικός
  • Italian: salvavita
  • Japanese: 救命の
  • Korean: 생명을 구해주는
  • Norwegian: livreddende
  • Polish: ratowniczy
  • European Portuguese: salva-vida
  • Romanian: salvator
  • Russian: спасательный
  • Latin American Spanish: que salva vidas
  • Swedish: livräddnings–
  • Thai: ซึ่งช่วยชีวิต
  • Turkish: can kurtaran
  • Ukrainian: такий, що рятує життя
  • Vietnamese: cứu mạng





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