Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense bootstraps, present participle bootstrapping, past tense, past participle bootstrapped
1. verb
If you bootstrap an organization or an activity, you set it up or achieve it alone, using very few resources.
Peterson bootstrapped the company himself, and hopes to continue without outsidefunding.
2. verb
If one thing is bootstrappedto another, it is attached to or associated with it.
This command ensures that the software is bootstrapped to the correct system.
See to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps
bootstrap in British English
a leather or fabric loop on the back or side of a boot for pulling it on
2. by one's bootstraps
3. (modifier)
self-acting or self-sufficient, as an electronic amplifier that uses its output voltage to bias its input
a. Also: boot
a technique for loading the first few program instructions into a computer main store to enable the rest of the program to be introduced from an input device
(as modifier)
a bootstrap loader
5. business
an offer to purchase a controlling interest in a company, esp with the intention of purchasing the remainder of the equity at a lower price
verbWord forms: -straps, -strapping or -strapped(transitive)
to set up or achieve (something) using minimal resources
7. (foll by to)
to attach (something) to a larger or more important thing
bootstrap in American English
a strap on a boot for pulling it on
undertaken or effected without others' help
a bootstrap operation
verb transitiveWord forms: ˈbootˌstrapped or ˈbootˌstrapping
3. Informal
to cause (esp. oneself) to succeed without the help of others
4. Computing
boot1 (sense 14)
lift oneself by the (or one's own) bootstraps
bootstrap in Finance1
(Finance: Corporate)
A bootstrap deal is an offer to purchase a controlling share in a company.
Leveraged buyouts, as bootstrap deals came to be known, began as a kind of aid to the elderly.
A bootstrap transaction occurs when an investor uses leveraged borrowing against the target company’sassets to acquire a controlling interest in a company.
A bootstrap deal is an offer to purchase a controlling share in a company.
bootstrap in Finance2
Word forms: (present) bootstraps, (past) bootstrapped, (perfect) bootstrapped, (progressive) bootstrapping
(Finance: Investment, Venture capitalism)
If a business bootstraps itself, or an activity, it achieves success with limited resources.
Each kicked in $15,000 of their own money to bootstrap the project for six months.
Bootstrapping means avoiding external investors, all the while keeping expenses to a minimum.
If a business bootstraps itself, or an activity, it achieves success with limited resources.
Examples of 'bootstrap' in a sentence
Sturdy, unflinching, full of common sense and bootstrap principles.