And, what's more, the lightweightformula works without weighing the hair down.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
The lightweightformula lets your natural skin tone shine through, while still providing coverage where you need it.
The Sun (2013)
It definitely cleans and the lightweightformula is easy to rinse off.
The Sun (2015)
Definition of 'formula'
(fɔːʳmjʊlə) (fɔːʳmjʊliː)Explore 'formula' in the dictionary
countable noun
In science, the formula for a substance is a list of the amounts of various substances which make up that substance, or an indication of the atoms that it is composed of.
Definition of 'lightweight'
(laɪtweɪt)Explore 'lightweight' in the dictionary
adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
Something that is lightweight weighs less than most other things of the same type.