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View usage for: unmindful in British English (ʌnˈmaɪndfʊl) adjective(usually postpositive and foll by of) careless, heedless, or forgetful Derived forms unmindfully (unˈmindfully) adverb unmindfulness (unˈmindfulness) noun unmindful in American English (ʌnˈmaɪndfəl) adjective not mindful or attentive; forgetful; heedless; careless Derived forms unmindfully (unˈmindfully) adverb Examples of 'unmindful' in a sentenceunmindful As I gaped in pain at him, he spoke on, seeming unmindful of the blow he had just dealt me.It was as if he stood within a burning barn and rejoiced at the heat, unmindful of the peril to himself and Svanja.He went unmindful of consequences, innocent again, eager to be surrounded and nurtured by her. Synonyms of 'unmindful'careless, slack, indifferent, oblivious More Synonyms of unmindful Synonyms Opposites aware , careful , alert , attentive , mindful , watchful , heedful , regardful Additional synonymsDefinition tending to forget My mother has become very forgetful recently. Synonyms absent-minded, vague, careless, neglectful, oblivious, lax, negligent, dreamy, slapdash, heedless, slipshod, inattentive, unmindful, apt to forget, having a memory like a sieve Definition taking no notice She scattered the letters about in her heedless haste. Synonyms careless, reckless, negligent, rash, precipitate, oblivious, foolhardy, thoughtless, unthinking, imprudent, neglectful, inattentive, incautious, unmindful, unobservant Definition not paying attention These children were more likely to be inattentive at school. Synonyms preoccupied, distracted, careless, negligent, dreamy, regardless, vague, thoughtless, absent-minded, slapdash, neglectful, heedless, slipshod, remiss (formal), unmindful, unobservant, unheeding, distrait, ditzy or ditsy (slang) - unmentionable
- unmerciful
- unmethodical
- unmindful
- unmistakable
- unmitigated
- unmoved
Additional synonymsDefinition showing no concern or interest People have become indifferent to the suffering of others. Synonyms unconcerned, distant, detached, cold, cool, regardless, careless, callous, aloof, unimpressed, unmoved, unsympathetic, impervious, uncaring, uninterested, apathetic, unresponsive, heedless, inattentive, not giving a monkey's (slang) Definition lacking firmness One of the problems is lax security for airport personnel. Synonyms slack, casual, careless, sloppy (informal), easy-going, negligent, lenient, slapdash, neglectful, slipshod, remiss (formal), easy-peasy (slang), overindulgent Definition not paying enough care or attention Children who are neglected tend to become neglectful parents. Synonyms careless, indifferent, lax, negligent, uncaring, thoughtless, heedless, inattentive, remiss (formal), unmindful, disregardful The jury ruled that the Council had acted in a negligent manner. Synonyms careless, regardless, slack, thoughtless, inadvertent, unthinking, forgetful, slapdash, neglectful, heedless, slipshod, inattentive, remiss (formal), unmindful, disregardful Definition unaware or unconscious She appeared oblivious to her surroundings. Synonyms unaware, unconscious, ignorant, regardless, careless, negligent, blind to, unaffected by, impervious to, forgetful, deaf to, unconcerned about, neglectful, heedless, inattentive, insensible, unmindful, unobservant, disregardful, incognizant Definition careless in attention to duty or responsibility I would be remiss if I did not do something about it. Synonyms careless, negligent, neglectful, culpable, slow, regardless, slack, indifferent, sloppy (informal), derelict, lax, delinquent (formal), thoughtless, tardy, forgetful, slapdash, heedless, slipshod, lackadaisical, inattentive, dilatory, slothful, unmindfulDefinition careless in one's work Many publishers have simply become far too slack. Synonyms negligent, lazy, lax, idle, easy-going, inactive, tardy, slapdash, neglectful, slipshod, inattentive, remiss (formal), asleep on the job (informal) |