a medieval duchy of W Europe: divided between the Netherlands and Belgium in 1839
a province of the SE Netherlands: contains a coalfield and industrial centres. Capital: Maastricht. Pop: 1 142 000 (2003 est). Area: 2253 sq km (809 sq miles)
a province of NE Belgium: contains the industrial regions of the Kempen coalfield.Capital: Hasselt. Pop: 805 786 (2004 est). Area: 2422 sq km (935 sq miles)
French name: Limbourg
Limburg in British English2
(Dutch ˈlɪmbyrx) or Limbourg
de. active ?1400–?1416, a Dutch family of manuscript illuminators. The three brothers Pol, Herman, and Jehanequin are best known for illustrating the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, one of the finest examples of the International Gothic style
Limburg in American English
province of NE Belgium: 935 sq mi (2,422 sq km); pop. 775,000; cap. Hasselt
: also Limbourg (ˈlɪmbərg; French lɛ̃ˈbuʀ)
province of SE Netherlands: 848 sq mi (2,196 sq km); pop. 1,130,000; cap. Maastricht
former duchy occupying the general area of these two provinces