1. Also called (esp formerly): Brahmin(sometimes not capital)
a member of the highest or priestly caste in the Hindu caste system
2. Hinduism
the ultimate and impersonal divine reality of the universe, from which all being originates and to which it returns
3. another name for Brahma1
Derived forms
Brahmanic (brɑːˈmænɪk) or Brahmanical (Brahˈmanical)
Word origin
C14: from Sanskrit brāhmana, from brahman prayer
Brahman in American English
(ˈbrɑmən; for 2 also ˈbreɪmən)
nounWord forms: pluralˈBrahmans
the supreme and eternal essence or spirit of the universe in Hinduism
a member of the priestly Hindu caste, which is the highest
a breed of domestic cattle developed from the zebu of India and having a large hump over the shoulders: it is well adapted to hot climates, as of the South and Southwest, and is used in crossbreeding for beef cattle