a state in NE Germany, part of East Germany until 1990. A former electorate, it expanded under the Hohenzollerns to become the kingdom of Prussia (1701). The district east of the Oder River became Polish in 1945. Capital: Potsdam. Pop: 2 575 000 (2003 est). Area: 29 481 sq km (11 219 sq miles)
a city in NE Germany: former capital of the Prussian province of Brandenburg. Pop: 75 485 (2003 est)
Brandenburg in American English
(ˈbrændənˌbɜrg; German ˈbʀɑndənbʊʀk)
former province of Prussia: the region was divided between Poland & East Germany in 1947
state of NE Germany: 11,383 sq mi (29,482 sq km); pop. 2,538,000; cap. Potsdam
city in E Germany, west of Berlin, in Brandenburg: pop. 94,000