the passage of air into and out of the lungs to supply the body with oxygen
a single breath
a breathing between words
an utterance
a breathing of hate
a soft movement, esp of air
a rest or pause
6. phonetics
expulsion of breath (rough breathing) or absence of such expulsion (smooth breathing) preceding the pronunciation of an initial vowel or rho in ancient Greek
either of two symbols indicating this
breathing in American English
that breathes; living; alive
a single breath or the time taken by this
a pause for rest
5. see rough breathing, smooth breathing
Examples of 'breathing' in a sentence
Mané spurned the chance to give his side some breathing space either side of the interval.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
He is not ready to make the commitment so give him some breathing space.
The Sun (2016)
New Zealand were afforded no breathing space.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
He also called for clarity on whether the government would seek transitional arrangements to give businesses more breathing space before a new system is implemented.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Then there is Breathe, a brilliant mindfulness app to help you focus on your breathing one minute at a time.
The Sun (2016)
The only sound to be heard is their somewhat heavy breathing.
J.M. Barrie Peter Pan (1911)
Then slow your breathing and stay in position.
Hambly, Dr Kenneth Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life (1991)
Your relationship may die without that breathing space.
The Sun (2013)
It will give the injured ones some breathing space.
The Sun (2009)
My arms grew heavy and my breathing laboured.
various & introduction by Deirdre Chapman A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990 (1990)
Teach yourself how to slow your own breathing and relax your muscles.
The Sun (2010)
You also give a relationship breathing space.
The Sun (2008)
Slow and controlled breathing also helps pace repetitions.
The Sun (2016)
We can find a wonderful breathing space.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Move your head around so that it feels floppy and heavy and slow your breathing as before.
Hambly, Dr Kenneth Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life (1991)
Giving a relationship breathing space strengthens love.
The Sun (2009)
Only his heavy breathing disturbed the quiet as an old friend walked to within two feet of him.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Breathing movements cannot yet be detected.
The Sun (2008)
She had no pulse, no breathing movements.
The Sun (2014)
Witter: Was the heavy breathing staged?
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
It is the longest walk of my life and all I can hear is my own heavy breathing inmy helmet.
The Sun (2007)
A bus service can be regular, as can meals and one 's breathing.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
In other languages
British English: breathing /ˈbriːðɪŋ/ NOUN
Breathing is the passage of air into and out of the lungs to supply the body with oxygen.
Her breathing became slow and heavy.
American English: breathing
Arabic: تَنَفّْس
Brazilian Portuguese: respiração
Chinese: 呼吸
Croatian: disanje
Czech: dýchání
Danish: vejrtrækning
Dutch: ademhaling
European Spanish: respiración
Finnish: hengitys
French: respiration
German: Atmen
Greek: αναπνοή
Italian: respiro
Japanese: 呼吸
Korean: 호흡
Norwegian: pusting
Polish: oddychanie
European Portuguese: respiração
Romanian: respirație
Russian: дыхание
Latin American Spanish: respiración
Swedish: andning
Thai: การหายใจ
Turkish: nefes alma
Ukrainian: дихання
Vietnamese: sự hô hấp
All related terms of 'breathing'
When people or animals breathe , they take air into their lungs and let it out again. When they breathe smoke or a particular kind of air, they take it into their lungs and let it out again as they breathe.
breathing space
A breathing space is a short period of time between two activities in which you can recover from the first activity and prepare for the second one.
heavy breathing
stertorous breathing or breathing done with difficulty
rough breathing
(in Greek ) the sign (῾) placed over an initial letter , or a second letter if the word begins with a diphthong , indicating that (in ancient Greek) it was pronounced with an h
breathing exercise
an exercise intended to promote effective and healthy breathing and breath control
circular breathing
a technique for sustaining a phrase on a wind instrument, using the cheeks to force air out of the mouth while breathing in through the nose
smooth breathing
(in Greek ) the sign (᾿) placed over an initial vowel , indicating that (in ancient Greek) it was not pronounced with an h
breathing apparatus
an apparatus , usually consisting of tanks of air or oxygen and a mouthpiece , that enables the wearer to breath in difficult conditions such as a smoke-filled building
Cheyne-Stokes breathing
alternating shallow and deep breathing , as in comatose patients
breathe in
When you breathe in , you take some air into your lungs .
breathe out
When you breathe out , you send air out of your lungs through your nose or mouth .
breathing space (or room)
enough space to breathe , move, etc. freely
to be breathing down someone's neck
If you say that someone is breathing down your neck , you mean that they are watching you very closely and checking everything you do.
Chinese translation of 'breathing'
呼吸 (hūxī)
[air]呼吸 (hūxī)
(liter, = whisper) 低语(語) (dīyǔ)
呼吸 (hūxī)
I won't breathe a word about it我不会(會)透露一点(點)儿(兒)风(風)声(聲)的 (wǒ bù huì tòulù yīdiǎnr fēngshēng de)
to breathe life into sth给(給)某事带(帶)来(來)活力 (gěi mǒushì dàilái huólì)