Serve the chops with boiled potatoes and green beans.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Serve with green beans and carrots.
The Sun (2017)
This dish is great served with some rice and soya beans, with finely sliced red chilli.
The Sun (2016)
Quarter the potatoes and carefully peel off the skin from the larger broad beans, then add all of the veg to the dressing.
The Sun (2016)
Coffee beans are up by 30 per cent in since March.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
But she still made time in her packed schedule to fill in for me yesterday, spilling the beans about her life on and off the screen.
The Sun (2017)
Have you tried crisps sprinkled on beans on toast?
The Sun (2011)
They are very particular about their coffee beans.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The good news is that the pupils will probably spill the beans.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
We like to see cocoa bean farmers smiling out at us from packaging.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Serve with some lightly cooked green beans.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Pick the beans from the pod and set to one side.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Now they unearth beans for their specific flavour and get to know all about them.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Good with beans or peas plus minted new potatoes.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
She said she would spill the beans unless he went back to her.
The Sun (2006)
Research where cocoa beans are grown and read up on the basics of production.
The Sun (2016)
The beans contain soluble fibre and will keep you feeling full for hours.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Serve the mash with the salmon and some steamed green beans or green salad on the side.
The Sun (2014)
While the beans boil nick the edge of the broad beans with your thumb and squeeze out the green bean.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
And just one normal box of bean plants alone is enough to feed a family of four for a year.
Thompkins, Peter, Bird, Christopher Secrets of the Soil (1990)
It comprises around three per cent of the total weight of a coffee bean and _ is not destroyed in roasting.
Wild, Anthony The East India Company Book of Coffee (1994)
Yes, when runner beans are in season.
The Sun (2010)
There is something about broad beans that speaks of summer and lazy, al fresco lunches.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
At the edge of his plot, he pointed at a lush thicket of runner bean plants.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Broad bean pods are ready to pick, peas are swelling and potatoes coming into flower.
The Sun (2011)
Longer seasons and new varieties will soon mean that we produce the green beans now imported from Africa.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Before giving in she decided to try a pioneering new technique which sees a woman injected with a recipe of soya bean and egg yolk.
The Sun (2015)
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: bean /biːn/ NOUN
Beans are the pods of a climbing plant, or the seeds that the pods contain, which are eaten as a vegetable.
American English: bean
Arabic: فُوْل
Brazilian Portuguese: feijão
Chinese: 豆子
Croatian: grah
Czech: fazole
Danish: bønne
Dutch: boon
European Spanish: judía
Finnish: papu
French: haricot
German: Bohne
Greek: φασόλι
Italian: fagiolo
Japanese: 豆
Korean: 콩
Norwegian: bønne
Polish: fasola
European Portuguese: feijão
Romanian: fasole
Russian: боб
Latin American Spanish: fríjol
Swedish: böna baljväxtfrö
Thai: ถั่ว
Turkish: fasulye
Ukrainian: квасоля
Vietnamese: đậu
All related terms of 'bean'
bean bag
A bean bag is a large round cushion filled with tiny pieces of plastic or rubber . It takes the shape of your body when you sit on it.
bean ball
a pitch aimed at the batter's head, in violation of the rules
bean curd
Bean curd is a soft white or brown food made from soya beans.
bean tree
any of various trees having beanlike pods , such as the catalpa and carob
bush bean
any of various low, erect , bushy forms of the common garden bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris )
fava bean
Fava beans are flat round beans that are light green in colour and are eaten as a vegetable.
jack bean
a tropical American leguminous plant, Canavalia ensiformis , that has clusters of purple flowers and long pods and is grown in the southern US for forage
lima bean
Lima beans are flat round beans that are light green in colour and are eaten as a vegetable . They are the seeds of a plant that grows in tropical parts of America.
mung bean
an E Asian bean plant, Phaseolus aureus , grown for forage and as the source of bean sprouts used in oriental cookery
navy bean
a small, white variety of kidney bean , dried for use as a food
pea bean
any of various kidney beans ; esp., a navy bean
pole bean
any of various varieties of the common garden bean , or kidney bean, cultivated to grow as vines twining about poles or other supports
snap bean
any of various bean plants that are cultivated in the US for their crisp edible unripe pods
soya bean
Soya beans are beans that can be eaten or used to make flour , oil, or soy sauce .
wax bean
any of certain string beans that have yellow waxy pods and are grown in the US
adsuki bean
→ adzuki bean
aduki bean
the brown edible seed of a leguminous plant, Phaseolus angularis, , widely eaten in China and Japan
adzuki bean
the brown edible seed of a leguminous plant, Phaseolus angularis, , widely eaten in China and Japan
bean aphid
a black aphid , Aphis fabae , that infests beans, sugar beet , and other plants
bean beetle
any of a number of beetles and weevils attacking legumes , esp. the Mexican bean beetle
bean caper
a shrub , Zygophyllum fabago , of E Mediterranean regions, whose flower buds are eaten as a substitute for capers : family Zygophyllaceae
bean goose
a grey goose , Anser fabalis
bean sprout
Bean sprouts are small, long, thin shoots grown from beans. They are frequently used in Chinese cookery .
bean weevil
any of various beetles of the family Bruchidae (or Lariidae ), the larvae of which live in the seeds of leguminous plants
black bean
an Australian leguminous tree, Castanospermum australe , having thin smooth bark and yellow or reddish flowers: used in furniture manufacture
broad bean
Broad beans are flat round beans that are light green in colour and are eaten as a vegetable.
butter bean
Butter beans are the yellowish flat round seeds of a kind of bean plant. They are eaten as a vegetable , and in Britain they are usually sold dried rather than fresh .
cacao bean
a seed of the cacao tree
castor bean
the seed of this plant
cocoa bean
the seed of the cacao
coffee bean
Coffee beans are small dark-brown beans that are roasted and ground to make coffee. They are the seeds of the coffee plant.
dwarf bean
a small twining bushy or annual bean plant, Phaseolus vulgaris , with white or lilac flowers and slender green edible pods
French bean
French beans are narrow green beans that are eaten as a vegetable . They grow on a tall climbing plant and are the cases that contain the seeds of the plant.
green bean
Green beans are long narrow beans that are eaten as a vegetable .
horse bean
an erect annual Eurasian bean plant, Vicia faba , cultivated for its large edible flattened seeds, used as a vegetable
jelly bean
Jelly beans are small coloured sweets that are hard on the outside and soft inside .
kidney bean
Kidney beans are small, reddish-brown beans that are eaten as a vegetable . They are the seeds of a bean plant.
locust bean
a carob pod
marrow bean
a plump-seeded strain of the common field bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ), grown for its dry, edible seeds
moong bean
an E Asian bean plant, Phaseolus aureus , grown for forage and as the source of bean sprouts used in oriental cookery
pinto bean
a variety of kidney bean that has mottled seeds and is grown for food and fodder in the southwestern US
runner bean
Runner beans are long green beans that are eaten as a vegetable . They grow on a tall climbing plant and are the cases that contain the seeds of the plant.
screw bean
the spirally twisted pod growing on a mesquite tree ( Prosopis pubescens ) of the SW U.S., often used for fodder
shell bean
any of various bean plants that are cultivated for their edible seeds rather than for their pods
string bean
String beans are long, very narrow green vegetables consisting of the cases that contain the seeds of a climbing plant.
tepary bean
a twining , drought-resistant bean plant ( Phaseolus acutifolius var . latifolius ) cultivated in the SW U.S., Mexico , etc.
tonka bean
tall leguminous tree of tropical America
velvet bean
a coarse , twining , leguminous annual vine ( Stizolobium deeringianum ) grown for forage
arabica bean
a high-quality coffee bean , obtained from the tree Coffea arabica
You can describe people such as accountants and business managers as bean counters if you disapprove of them because you think they are only interested in money.