If you bring forward a balance, you transfer it from a previous page or column of an account, or from another ledger or book, so that it will be the starting figure on a new page.
The balance brought forward is the amount outstanding from the previous bill.
When a new page is started during a month, the totals of the Cash Credit columnsare brought forward from the previous page.
If you bring forward a balance, you transfer it from a previous page or column of an account, or fromanother ledger or book, so that it will be the starting figure on a new page.
Examples of 'bring forward' in a sentence
bring forward
She left a message with her father's secretary on the off chance that he could bring forward his flight home and come along, too.
Stewart, Michael COMPULSION
In other languages
bring forward
British English: bring forward /brɪŋ ˈfɔːwəd/ VERB
If you bring forward an event, you arrange for it to take place at an earlier time than had been planned.
He had to bring forward an 11 o'clock meeting.
American English: move forward
Arabic: يُقَدِّم
Brazilian Portuguese: antecipar
Chinese: 提出
Croatian: pomaknuti unaprijed
Czech: přesunout na dřívější dobu
Danish: fremskynde
Dutch: naar voren brengen
European Spanish: adelantar
Finnish: aikaistaa
French: avancer
German: vorverlegen
Greek: φέρνω νωρίτερα
Italian: anticipare
Japanese: 繰り上げる
Korean: 앞당기다
Norwegian: legge fram
Polish: przenieść do przodu
European Portuguese: antecipar
Romanian: a devansa
Russian: перенести на более ранний срок
Latin American Spanish: adelantar
Swedish: tidigarelägga
Thai: จัดขึ้นก่อนเวลาจริง
Turkish: öne almak
Ukrainian: висувати
Vietnamese: đôn lên sớm hơn
Chinese translation of 'bring forward'
bring forward
[meeting]提前 (tíqián)
[argument, proposal]提出 (tíchū)
(Bookkeeping) 承前 (chéngqián)
See bring
All related terms of 'bring forward'
bring up
( rear : child ) 抚(撫)养(養) fǔyǎng
bring round
( unconscious person ) 使苏(甦)醒 shǐ sūxǐng
bring out
( publish, produce : book, album ) 出版 chūbǎn
bring on
( illness, pain ) 导(導)致 dǎozhì
bring off
( attempt, plan ) 完成 wánchéng
bring in
( law, system, object, person ) 引进(進) yǐnjìn ⇒ It would be a mistake to bring in an outsider. → 引一个局外人进来会是一个错误。 Yǐn yī gè júwàirén jìnlái huì shì yī gè cuòwù.
bring forth
( frm ) 取出 qǔchū
bring down
( government ) 使 ... 倒台(臺) shǐ ... dǎotái
bring back
( return ) 带(帶)回来(來) dài huílái ⇒ She brought my book back. → 她把我的书带回来了。 Tā bǎ wǒ de shū dài huílái le.