If you are burdened with something, it causes you a lot of worry or hard work.
Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion. [+ with]
They may be burdened by guilt and regret. [+ by]
2. adjective
If you describe someone as burdened with a heavy load, you are emphasizing that it is very heavy and that they are holding it or carrying it with difficulty.
...a stocky man who did everything at the run, even when burdened with heavy cameragear.
Anna and Rosemary arrived, burdened by bags and food baskets. [+ by]
[Also + with]
Synonyms: laden, weighed down, loaded, freighted More Synonyms of burdened
burdened in British English
1. literary
burdened by guilt and regret
We humans are the only animals who are burdened with the knowledge that we're goingto die.
physically encumbered
She arrived burdened with bags and baskets.
Burdened with packages, she hired a taxi.
burdened with heavy camera gear
burdened in American English
designating the vessel responsible for taking action to avoid colliding with another vessel
see also privileged (sense 4)
Examples of 'burdened' in a sentence
His emotions were tearing him apart as he struggled with his burdened conscience.
MacNeill, Alastair THE DEVIL'S DOOR (1995)
Hardly, the state I was in and burdened by a possible ex-prisoner.
Gash, Jonathan THE TARTAN RINGERS (1995)
He finally reached Bear Dooley's half-closed office door, which was burdened with numerous layers of thick brown paint.
Anderson, Kevin J. THE X FILES 3: GROUND ZERO (1995)
In other languages
British English: burdened ADJECTIVE
If you are burdened with something, it causes you a lot of worry or hard work.
The country was burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion.