A bush is a large plant which is smaller than a tree and has a lot of branches.
Trees and bushes grew down to the water's edge.
Synonyms: shrub, plant, hedge, undergrowth More Synonyms of bush
2. singular noun [oft NOUN noun]
The wild, uncultivated parts of some hot countries are referred to as thebush.
They walked through the dense Mozambican bush for thirty six hours.
The jeep was found lying in thick bush.
See to beat about the bush
bush in British English1
a dense woody plant, smaller than a tree, with many branches arising from the lower part of the stem; shrub
a dense cluster of such shrubs; thicket
something resembling a bush, esp in density
a bush of hair
4. the bush
5. Canadian
an area of land on a farm on which timber is grown and cut
Also called: bush lot, woodlot
a forested area; woodland
7. the bush
a fox's tail; brush
9. obsolete
a bunch of ivy hung as a vintner's sign in front of a tavern
any tavern sign
10. beat about the bush
11. Australian and New Zealand informal
12. West Africa informal
ignorant or stupid, esp as considered typical of unwesternized rustic life
13. US and Canadian informal
unprofessional, unpolished, or second-rate
14. go bush
15. (intransitive)
to grow thick and bushy
16. (transitive)
to cover, decorate, support, etc, with bushes
17. bush it
Word origin
C13: of Germanic origin; compare Old Norse buski, Old High German busc, Middle Dutch bosch; related to Old French bosc wood, Italian bosco
bush in British English2
1. Also called (esp US and Canadian): bushing
a thin metal sleeve or tubular lining serving as a bearing or guide
to fit a bush to (a casing, bearing, etc)
Word origin
C15: from Middle Dutch busse box, bush; related to German Büchse tin, Swedish hjulbōssa wheel-box, Late Latin buxisbox1
Bush in British English
George. (1924–2018), US Republican politician; vice president of the US (1981–89): 41st president of the US (1989–93)
his son, George W(alker). born 1946, US Republican politician; 43rd president of the US (2001–09)
Kate. born 1958, English singer and songwriter: her recordings include "Wuthering Heights" (1978), Hounds of Love (1985), and Aerial (2005)
Bush in American English
George (Herbert Walker)1924- ; 41st president of the U.S. (1989-93)
George W(alker)1946- ; 43d president of the U.S. (2001-09): son of George
Vanˈnevar (vəˈnivɑr) 1890-1974; U.S. electrical engineer & administrator
bush in American English1
a woody plant having many stems branching out low instead of one main stem or trunk; shrub
a thicket of shrubs
anything resembling a bush
; esp.,
a thickly furred tail
b. Slang
a beard
4. US
shrubby woodland or uncleared country, esp. wild or unsettled frontier country
usually with the
a branch of ivy as a symbol for wine, formerly used on tavern signboards
b. Obsolete
a tavern
verb intransitive
to grow thickly or spread out like a bush
verb transitive
to decorate, cover, or surround with bushes
8. US, Slang
unprofessional, cheap, petty, etc.
beat around the bush
the bushes
Word origin
ME < OE busc (in place names) < WGmc *busk-; ME busk, bosk < ML boscus < Frank busk, of same WGmc orig.; (sense 4) < Colonial Du bosch, bush; (sense 8) see bush league
bush in American English2
verb transitive
to fit with a bushing
Word origin
MDu busse, box < ML buxis: see box1
bush in Mechanical Engineering
Word forms: (plural) bushes
(Mechanical engineering: Machinery and components)
A bush is a thin metal tube that fits into a hole or covers a part in order to guide the movement of a part or reduce friction.
In a bushed bearing, there is a bush made of brass between the shaft and the bearing.
Bushes are often used in wood to provide additional bearing area and to prevent crushingof the wood when bolts are tightened.
A bush is a thin metal tube that fits into a hole or covers a part in order to guide themovement of a part or reduce friction.
cluster of shrubs The bush is a dense cluster of shrubs.
American English: bush thicket
Arabic: دَغَل
Brazilian Portuguese: moita
Chinese: 矮树丛
Croatian: šikara
Czech: křoví
Danish: buskads
Dutch: struikgewas
European Spanish: monte
Finnish: pensaikko
French: broussailles
German: Gebüsch
Greek: λόχμη
Italian: cespuglio
Japanese: 茂み thicket
Korean: 덤불
Norwegian: krattskog
Polish: tulejka
European Portuguese: bosque
Romanian: boschet
Russian: кустарник
Latin American Spanish: maleza
Swedish: skogsland
Thai: พุ่มไม้
Turkish: çalılık
Ukrainian: чагарник
Vietnamese: bụi rậm
British English: bush /bʊʃ/ NOUN
shrub A bush is a plant which is like a very small tree.
Trees and bushes grew down to the water's edge.
American English: bush shrub
Arabic: شُجَيْرَة
Brazilian Portuguese: arbusto
Chinese: 灌木丛
Croatian: grm
Czech: keř
Danish: busk
Dutch: struik
European Spanish: arbusto
Finnish: pensas
French: buisson
German: Busch
Greek: θάμνος
Italian: arbusto
Japanese: 低木 shrub
Korean: 관목
Norwegian: busk
Polish: krzak
European Portuguese: arbusto
Romanian: arbust
Russian: куст
Latin American Spanish: arbusto
Swedish: buske
Thai: ต้นไม้เตี้ย
Turkish: çalı
Ukrainian: кущ
Vietnamese: cây bụi
All related terms of 'bush'
bush it
to camp out in the bush
go bush
to abandon city amenities and live rough
bush baby
any of a family (Galagidae) of nocturnal prosimian primates of tropical African forests , with a long, bushy tail and large eyes
to clear scrubland
bush bean
any of various low, erect , bushy forms of the common garden bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris )
a New Zealand falcon , Falco novaeseelandiae
the contour at which the growth of the bush ceases
bush lot
a tract of timberland
bush pig
any of a genus ( Potamochoerus ) of wild African pigs that live in forested regions
bush tea
a leguminous shrub of the genus Cyclopia , of southern Africa
bush tram
a railway line in the bush , used to facilitate the entry of workers and the removal of timber
bush wren
a wren , Xenicus longipes , occurring in New Zealand : family Xenicidae
emu bush
any of various Australian shrubs, esp those of the genus Eremophila (family Myoporaceae), whose fruits are eaten by emus
mint bush
an aromatic shrub of the genus Prostanthera with a mintlike odour : family Lamiaceae ( labiates ): native to Australia
the bush
an uncultivated or sparsely settled area, esp in Africa, Australia , New Zealand , or Canada : usually covered with trees or shrubs, varying from open shrubby country to dense rainforest
beauty bush
a hardy shrub ( Kolkwitzia amabilis ) of the honeysuckle family, having tubular pink flowers with white bristly hairs on the ovary
bitou bush
type of sprawling woody shrub
bush ballad
an old Australian bush poem in a ballad metre dealing with aspects of life and characters in the bush
bush canary
a small bush bird , Finschia novaeseelandiae , of South Island , New Zealand
bush grass
a coarse reedlike grass, Calamagrostis epigejos , 1–1 1 ⁄ 2 metres (3–4 1 ⁄ 2 ft) high that grows on damp clay soils in Europe and temperate parts of Asia
bush house
a shed or hut in the bush or a garden
bush jacket
a casual jacket or shirt having four patch pockets and a belt
bush knife
a large heavy knife suitable for outdoor use
bush lawyer
any of several prickly trailing plants of the genus Rubus
(in baseball ) relating to one of the minor leagues
bush oyster
a bull's testicle when cooked and eaten
bush shrike
any shrike of the African subfamily Malaconotinae , such as Chlorophoneus nigrifrons ( black-fronted bush shrike )
bush tucker
any wild animal, insect , plant or plant extract , etc traditionally used as food by native Australians
calico bush
→ mountain laurel
cotton bush
any of various downy chenopodiaceous shrubs, esp Kochia aphylla, which is used to feed livestock
daisy bush
any of various shrubs of the genus Olearia , of Australia and New Zealand , with daisy-like flowers: family Asteraceae ( composites )
gorse bush
a gorse plant
native bush
indigenous forest
sugar bush
an anacardiaceous evergreen shrub, Rhus ovata, of S California and Arizona , having pale oval leaves, spikes of yellow-tinged red flowers, and deep red fruits
thorn bush
a sharp pointed woody extension of a stem or leaf
benjamin bush
a North American lauraceous shrub , Lindera benzoin , having yellow flowers and aromatic leaves and bark
burning bush
a rutaceous shrub , Dictamnus fraxinella , of S Europe and Asia, whose glands release a volatile inflammable oil that can burn without harming the plant: identified as the bush from which God spoke to Moses ( Exodus 3:2–4)
(in baseball ) someone who plays in a minor league
bush sickness
an animal disease caused by a cobalt deficiency in old bush country
bush singlet
a black woollen singlet often worn by farm labourers
creosote bush
a shrub , Larrea (or Covillea ) tridentata of the western US and Mexico , that has resinous leaves with an odour resembling creosote , and can live for many thousands of years: family Zygophyllaceae
orchard bush
open savanna country with occasional trees and scrub , as found north of the W African forest belt
umbrella bush
a North American magnolia , Magnolia tripetala, having long leaves clustered into an umbrella formation at the ends of the branches and unpleasant-smelling white flowers
blackberry bush
a bush on which blackberries grow
bush carpenter
a rough-and-ready unskilled workman
bush telegraph
a means of communication between primitive peoples over large areas, as by drum beats
butterfly bush
→ buddleia
Christmas bush
any of various trees or shrubs flowering at Christmas and used for decoration
cranberry bush
a North American caprifoliaceous shrub or small tree, Viburnum trilobum, producing acid red fruit
gooseberry bush
a Eurasian shrub, Ribes uva-crispa (or R. grossularia ), having greenish, purple-tinged flowers and ovoid yellow-green or red-purple berries : family Grossulariaceae
Chinese translation of 'bush'
(c) (= plant) 灌木 (guànmù) (棵, kē)
(u) (= scrubland) 荒野 (huāngyě)
to beat about the bush拐(枴)弯(彎)抹角 (guǎi wān mò jiǎo)
a dense cluster of such shrubs
Trees and bushes grow down to the water's edge.
Water each plant as often as required.
See the bush
Additional synonyms
in the sense of plant
a living organism that grows in the ground and lacks the power of movement