a historical county of NW Northern Ireland, on the Atlantic: in 1973 replaced for administrative purposes by the districts of Coleraine, Derry, Limavady, and Magherafelt. Area: 2108 sq km (814 sq miles)
a port in N Northern Ireland, second city of Northern Ireland: given to the City of London in 1613 to be colonized by Londoners; besieged by James II's forces (1688–89). Pop: 83 699 (2001)
See also Derry
Londonderry in American English
former county of NW Northern Ireland: c. 801 sq mi (2,075 sq km)
district in NW Northern Ireland, in the E part of the former county: 148 sq mi (383sq km); pop. 95,000
seaport in this district, on an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean: district pop. 95,000