The two detectives found Cassandra Gray in the lounge finishing her coffee and buttered toast.
Penn, John UNTO THE GRAVE (2004)
So I offered to make some delicious tinned cream of mushroom soup with buttered toast.
Anita Anderson SOMEBODY (2004)
All related terms of 'buttered'
Butter is a soft yellow substance made from cream. You spread it on bread or use it in cooking.
butter up
If someone butters you up , they try to please you because they want you to help or support them.
know which side one's bread is buttered
to know what to do in order to keep one's advantages
know which side one's bread is buttered on
to know what is to one's advantage and from what source it comes
know which side your bread is buttered on
to understand fully how you are likely to benefit from a situation, and know what to do or who to please in order to put yourself in the best possible situation
to know what side your bread is buttered on
If you say that someone knows what side their bread is buttered on , you mean that they know what to do or who to please in order to stay in a good situation or to avoid a bad one.