

单词 lost property office

Examples of 'lost property office' in a sentence
lost property office

The documents were discovered last November in a bus company's lost property office.The budget hotel firm's lost property office han-dles thousands of bizarre items each year.You will find a lost property office at every station where a train line ends.

In other languages
lost property office

British English: lost-property office /'lɒst ˈprɒpətɪ ɒfɪs / NOUN
A lost-property office is a place, for example in a railway station or an airport, where things that people have lost or accidentally left are kept.
  • American English: lost-and-found department
  • Arabic: مَكْتَبُ الْـمَفْقُودَاتِ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: setor de achados e perdidos
  • Chinese: 拾物招领处
  • Croatian: ured za izgubljene stvari
  • Czech: ztráty a nálezy
  • Danish: hittegodskontor
  • Dutch: bureau voor gevonden voorwerpen
  • European Spanish: oficina de objetos perdidos
  • Finnish: löytötavaratoimisto
  • French: bureau des objets trouvés
  • German: Fundbüro
  • Greek: γραφείο απωλεσθέντων
  • Italian: ufficio oggetti smarriti
  • Japanese: 遺失物取扱所
  • Korean: 분실물 보관소
  • Norwegian: hittegodskontor
  • Polish: biuro rzeczy znalezionych
  • European Portuguese: secção de perdidos e achados
  • Romanian: birou de obiecte pierdute
  • Russian: бюро находок
  • Latin American Spanish: oficina de objetos perdidos
  • Swedish: hittegodsavdelning
  • Thai: สำนักงานเก็บของหาย
  • Turkish: kayıp eşya bürosu
  • Ukrainian: камера зберігання забутих речей
  • Vietnamese: phòng giữ đồ thất lạc





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