a white crystalline salt occurring in limestone, chalk, marble, calcite, coral, and pearl: used in the production of lime and cement. Formula: CaCO3
calcium carbonate in American English
a white powder or colorless, crystalline compound, CaCO3, found mainly in limestone, marble, and chalk, as calcite, aragonite, etc., and in bones, teeth, shells, and plant ash: it is used in making lime, paints, plastics, etc.
calcium carbonate in the Pharmaceutical Industry
(kælsiəm kɑrbəneɪt)
(Pharmaceutical: Drugs)
Calcium carbonate is a white crystalline salt, used in medicine as an antacid and calcium supplement.
Calcium carbonate is used for fast neutralization of gastric acid.
Calcium carbonate can be used as a food supplement when there is not enough calcium in the diet.
Calcium carbonate is a white crystalline salt, used in medicine as an antacid and calcium supplement.