A calling card is a small card with personal information about you on it, such as your name and address, which you can give to people whenyou go to visit them.
[mainly US]
calling card in British English
a small card bearing the name and usually the address of a person, esp for giving to business or social acquaintances
Also called: visiting card
calling card in American English
a small card with one's name, and sometimes one's address, on it, used in making visits
2. Informal
an identifying mark or characteristic left by someone or something
his calling card was a string of home runs
a form of credit card used for making long-distance telephone calls, by means of which the charges may be either applied to a home or business account or (often phone card) deducted from a prepaid amount
Examples of 'calling card' in a sentence
calling card
It was a crudely printed list of goods, her calling card, her reason for existing.
Gee, Maggie LOST CHILDREN (2002)
Later, he would find her study and leave his calling card in her files.
And what better calling card could he have than to be the man who had uncovered the McPherson Conspiracy?
Clive Barker EVERVILLE (2002)
The Frenchman reached inside his coat when she was done and extracted a calling card.