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View usage for: (ʌnriːzənəbəl) 1. adjectiveIf you say that someone is being unreasonable, you mean that they are behaving in a way that is not fair or sensible. The strikers were being unreasonable in their demands, having rejected the deal twoweeks ago. [+ in] It was her unreasonable behaviour which broke up their friendship. It's unreasonable to expect your child to behave in a caring way if you behave selfishly. Synonyms: biased, arbitrary, irrational, illogical More Synonyms of unreasonable unreasonably (ʌnriːzənəbli) adverb We unreasonably expect near perfect behaviour from our children. 2. adjectiveAn unreasonable decision, action, price, or amount seems unfair and difficult to justify. ...unreasonable increases in the price of petrol. One in four consumers now say water prices are very unreasonable. Synonyms: excessive, steep [informal], exorbitant, unfair More Synonyms of unreasonable unreasonably adverb [usually ADVERB adjective] The banks' charges are unreasonably high. unreasonable in British English (ʌnˈriːznəbəl) adjective1. immoderate; excessive unreasonable demands 2. refusing to listen to reason 3. lacking reason or judgment Derived forms unreasonableness (unˈreasonableness) noun unreasonably (unˈreasonably) adverb unreasonable in American English (ʌnˈrizənəbəl) adjective not reasonable ; specif.,a. having or showing little sense or judgment; not rational b. excessive; immoderate; exorbitant SIMILAR WORDS: irˈrational Derived forms unreasonableness (unˈreasonableness) noun unreasonably (unˈreasonably) adverb Examples of 'unreasonable' in a sentenceunreasonable Is it really so unreasonable to expect people to understand what a one in three chance is?It is not an unreasonable request, nor is it unethical, expensive or intrusive.They argue that charges are not unreasonable and investors have all the information they need.You handle family life well and can turn down unreasonable requests while staying on good terms.You can say no to unreasonable requests but still stay on good terms with people.Is it unreasonable to expect her to offer to split the bill?Say no to unreasonable requests and do only tasks that are genuinely part of your role.And maybe it was unreasonable to expect him to be an overnight sensation in a suit.Perhaps it was unreasonable to expect an artist committed to his work also to be a committed father and husband.He appealed, claiming that his sentence was excessive and unreasonable.Tell the gas company that the price is unreasonable, refuse to pay and see what happens.It says that rogue bailiffs use intimidation, make unreasonable demands and charge excessive fees.Fidelity does not offer this option, surely not an unreasonable request?MY ex filed for divorce citing unreasonable behaviour but she had an affair and kicked me out.All these unreasonable differences in prices will to a great extent be smoothed out and done away with in the course of the price reform.Her behaviour was increasingly unreasonable.You must prove bad management if you want to appoint a new manager, such as being forced to pay unreasonable service charges.How do I stop her unreasonable behaviour?Her pride burned like a flame, engulfing her, goading her to unreasonable action.It is an unreasonable and unfair amount of money to be paid,' he said.It then hijacked her application, acting as a third party processing her application, and applied unreasonable charges for doing so.I say, don't be unreasonable. In other languagesunreasonable British English: unreasonable / ʌnˈriːznəbl/ ADJECTIVE If you say that someone is being unreasonable, you mean that they are behaving in a way that is not fair or sensible. I know I'm being unreasonable and unfair. - American English: unreasonable
- Arabic: غَيْرُ مَعْقُول
- Brazilian Portuguese: despropositado
- Chinese: 不讲道理的
- Croatian: nerazuman
- Czech: nerozumný
- Danish: urimelig
- Dutch: onredelijk
- European Spanish: irrazonable
- Finnish: kohtuuton ei järkevä
- French: déraisonnable
- German: unzumutbar
- Greek: παράλογος
- Italian: irragionevole
- Japanese: 不当な
- Korean: 불합리한
- Norwegian: urimelig
- Polish: nierozsądny
- European Portuguese: irrazoável
- Romanian: irațional
- Russian: неблагоразумный
- Latin American Spanish: irrazonable
- Swedish: orimlig
- Thai: ไม่สมเหตุสมผล
- Turkish: mantıksız
- Ukrainian: безпричинний
- Vietnamese: vô lý
Chinese translation of 'unreasonable'unreasonable (ʌnˈriːznəbl) adj - [person, attitude]
无(無)理的 (wúlǐ de) - [decision, price, amount]
不合理的 (bù hélǐ de) it is unreasonable to expect that ... 指望 ... 是荒谬(謬)的 (zhǐwàng ... shì huāngmiù de) it is not unreasonable that ... ... 并(並)不过(過)分 ( ... bìng bù guòfèn)
Definition refusing to listen to reason The strikers were being unreasonable in their demands. Synonyms Opposites flexible , open-minded , fair-minded Definition unfair and excessive unreasonable increases in the price of petrol Synonyms unfair too great far-fetched Opposites fair , reasonable , moderate, just, justified , warranted , temperate Additional synonymsDefinition obviously senseless or illogical They go to absurd lengths just to avoid paying a few pounds. Synonyms ridiculous, crazy (informal), silly, incredible, outrageous, foolish, unbelievable, daft (informal), hilarious, ludicrous, meaningless, unreasonable, irrational, senseless, preposterous, laughable, funny, stupid, farcical, illogical, incongruous, comical, zany, idiotic, nonsensical, inane, dumb-ass (slang), cockamamie (slang, US) Definition not done according to any plan or for any particular reason Arbitrary arrests were common. Synonyms random, chance, optional, subjective, unreasonable, inconsistent, erratic, discretionary, personal, fanciful, wilful, whimsical, capriciousDefinition considering only a narrow point of view They've got a very blinkered view of life. Synonyms narrow-minded, narrow, one-sided, prejudiced, biased, partial, discriminatory, parochial, constricted, insular, hidebound, one-eyed, lopsidedAdditional synonymsDefinition (of prices, demands, etc.) excessively great or high exorbitant housing prices Synonyms excessive, high, expensive, extreme, ridiculous, outrageous, extravagant, unreasonable, undue, preposterous, unwarranted, inordinate, extortionate, unconscionable, immoderateDefinition (of prices, profits, etc.) much higher than is fair the extortionate price of designer clothes Synonyms exorbitant, excessive, outrageous, unreasonable, inflated, extravagant, preposterous, sky-high, inordinate, immoderateDefinition (of behaviour or gestures) extreme, esp. in order to make a particular impression I was extravagant in my admiration of them. Synonyms excessive, exaggerated, outrageous, wild, fantastic, absurd, foolish, over the top (slang), unreasonable, preposterous, fanciful, unrestrained, inordinate, outré, immoderate, O.T.T. (slang) Definition not following logical principles his completely illogical arguments Synonyms irrational, absurd, unreasonable, meaningless, incorrect, faulty, inconsistent, invalid, senseless, spurious, inconclusive, unsound, unscientific, specious, fallacious, untenable, sophistical Definition excessive or unreasonable He launched an immoderate tirade on his son. Synonyms excessive, extreme, over the top (slang), enormous, steep (informal), exaggerated, extravagant, unreasonable, undue, uncontrolled, unjustified, unwarranted, exorbitant, unrestrained, profligate, inordinate, over the odds (informal), egregious, intemperate, unconscionable, uncalled-for, O.T.T. (slang) Definition not based on logical reasoning an irrational fear of science Synonyms illogical, crazy (informal), silly, absurd, foolish, unreasonable, unwise, preposterous, idiotic, nonsensical, unsound, unthinking, injudicious, unreasoning Definition holding very strong opinions which one is convinced are right He's an opinionated man who always thinks he knows best. Synonyms dogmatic, prejudiced, biased, arrogant, adamant, stubborn, assertive, uncompromising, single-minded, inflexible, bigoted, dictatorial, imperious, overbearing, obstinate, doctrinaire, obdurate, cocksure, pig-headed, self-assertive, bull-headedDefinition utterly absurd The whole idea was preposterous. Synonyms ridiculous, bizarre, incredible, outrageous, shocking, impossible, extreme, crazy (informal), excessive, absurd, foolish, ludicrous, extravagant, unthinkable, unreasonable, irrational, monstrous, senseless, out of the question, laughable, exorbitant, nonsensical, risible (formal), asinine, cockamamie (slang, US) Definition (of a fee, price, or demand) unreasonably high The annual premium can be a little steep. Synonyms high, excessive, exorbitant, extreme, stiff, unreasonable, overpriced, extortionate, uncalled-forDefinition unnecessary or unwarranted Leo's uncalled-for remarks about her cousin Synonyms unnecessary, unjustified, unwarranted, inappropriate, needless, unwelcome, unjust, gratuitous, unprovoked, undeserved Additional synonymsDefinition greater than is reasonable It might give them undue influence over the coming negotiations. Synonyms excessive, too much, inappropriate, extreme, unnecessary, extravagant, needless, unsuitable, improper, too great, disproportionate, unjustified, unwarranted, unseemly, inordinate, undeserved, intemperate, uncalled-for, overmuch, immoderateDefinition not fair or just campaigning against racist and unjust immigration laws Synonyms unfair, prejudiced, biased, wrong, one-sided, partial, partisan, unjustified, wrongful, undeserved, inequitable, unmerited Definition not justified or necessary an unwarranted interference in the country's internal affairs Synonyms unnecessary, unjustified, indefensible, wrong, unreasonable, unjust, gratuitous, unprovoked, inexcusable, groundless, uncalled-for |