A camera is a piece of equipment that is used for taking photographs, making films, or producing television pictures. Many cameras are now included as part of other digital devices such as phones and tablets.
Her gran lent her a camera for a school trip to Venice and Egypt.
...a video camera.
They were caught speeding by hidden cameras.
See on camera
See off camera
See in camera
camera in British English
(ˈkæmərə, ˈkæmrə)
an optical device consisting of a lens system set in a light-proof construction inside which a light-sensitive film or plate can be positioned
See also cine camera, digital camera
2. television
the equipment used to convert the optical image of a scene into the corresponding electrical signals
3. camera obscura
4. Word forms: plural-erae (-əˌriː)
a judge's private room
5. in camera
6. off camera
7. on camera
Word origin
C18: from Latin: vault, from Greek kamara
camera in American English
(ˈkæmərə; ˈkæmrə)
nounWord forms: pluralˈcameras or ˈcamerˌae (ˈkæmərˌi)
a chamber; specif., the private office of a judge
camera obscura
a device for taking photographs, consisting essentially of a closed box containing a sensitized plate or film on which an image is formed when light enters the box through a lens or hole
4. Television
that part of the transmitter that consists of a lens and a special cathode-ray tube containing a plate on which the image to be televised is projected for transformation into electrical signals
in camera
on (or off) camera
Word origin
L camera, vault < Gr kamara, vaulted chamber < IE base *kam-, to arch; (sense 3) < camera obscura
Speed limits are enforced by digital cameras which can scan all lanes at the same time.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Visitors are told to expect espionage devices like hidden cameras in their hotel rooms.
The Sun (2016)
You only beat a speed camera by not speeding.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Video cameras work out how close a person comes to it and sensors judge how tactile they are.
Computing (2010)
Programme makers are giving viewers amazing new insights into how animals live together by concealing cameras inside lifelike robotic animals.
The Sun (2016)
To fit the zoom lenses found on normal digital cameras into a phone would mean making it much thicker or having a bulge.
The Sun (2016)
The inspectors were released only after handing over cameras and other equipment, but photos taken from a drone confirmed the fires.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The front facing camera used for video calls is also improved.
The Sun (2014)
Your digital camera is a computer that takes photos.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
They fit a magnetic reading device and video camera to a cashpoint.
The Sun (2006)
Fewer speed cameras and more education is the answer.
The Sun (2014)
Then there were lots of camera flashes inside the house and evidence bags were carried out.
The Sun (2012)
Now it has onboard video and still camera.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Recordings can be made on smartphones and digital cameras.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Cameras and listening devices lowered into the hole detected no signs of life.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
But there are distinct advantages in the control you can have over composition of the image in the camera.
Freeman, Michael Photographers Handbook (1993)
He added that head teachers would receive training in the operation of their body cameras before school begins next term.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
They told of one car company that hooks people up to electrical equipment and cameras and runs images past them.
Christianity Today (2000)
It captures an image of the highest quality that can get with a 35mm film camera.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
They are going to interview my friends and watch the school 's security cameras.
The Sun (2009)
Uefa could deploy its monitors within the ground, armed with video cameras and recording equipment.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Hidden cameras were not installed.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
In other languages
British English: camera /ˈkæmərə; ˈkæmrə/ NOUN
A camera is a piece of equipment for taking photographs or for making a film.
...a video camera.
American English: camera
Arabic: كَامِيرَا
Brazilian Portuguese: câmera fotográfica
Chinese: 照相机
Croatian: fotoaparat
Czech: fotoaparát
Danish: kamera
Dutch: camera
European Spanish: cámara aparato
Finnish: kamera
French: appareil photo
German: Kamera
Greek: κάμερα
Italian: fotocamera
Japanese: カメラ
Korean: 카메라
Norwegian: kamera
Polish: aparat fotograficzny
European Portuguese: câmara fotográfica
Romanian: cameră fotofoto,video
Russian: фото- или видеокамера
Latin American Spanish: cámara máquina fotográfica
Swedish: kamera
Thai: กล้องถ่ายรูป
Turkish: fotoğraf makinesi
Ukrainian: камера
Vietnamese: máy ảnh
All related terms of 'camera'
in camera
If a trial is held in camera , the public and the press are not allowed to attend .
on camera
If someone or something is on camera , they are being filmed.
box camera
a simple box-shaped camera having an elementary lens , shutter , and viewfinder
camera crew
a group of people who are involved in the operation of a film camera
Someone who is camera-shy is nervous and uncomfortable about being filmed or about having their photograph taken .
camera tube
the part of a television camera that converts an optical image into an electrical signal
CCTV camera
a closed-circuit television camera
cine camera
a camera in which a strip of film moves past the lens , usually to give 16 or 24 exposures per second, thus enabling moving pictures to be taken
disc camera
a type of camera that used a film that took the form of a disc
film camera
a camera for taking moving pictures for a cinema film
off camera
If you do something or if something happens off camera , you do it or it happens when not being filmed.
spy camera
a hidden , disguised or miniature camera used in espionage
aerial camera
a camera used to take pictures from the air
camera lucida
an instrument attached to a microscope , etc to enable an observer to view simultaneously the image and a drawing surface to facilitate the sketching of the image
camera phone
A camera phone is a mobile phone that can also take photographs .
designating or of copy , artwork , etc. that is ready to be photographed for making into a plate for printing
caméra stylo
the use of the camera as a means of personal expression, esp as practised by some directors of the New Wave
candid camera
a small camera that may be used to take informal photographs of people, usually without their knowledge
colour camera
a camera that takes colour photographs
gamma camera
a medical apparatus that detects gamma rays emitted from a person's body after the administration of a radioactive drug and so produces images of the organ being investigated
movie camera
a camera in which a strip of film moves past the lens , usually to give 16 or 24 exposures per second, thus enabling moving pictures to be taken
reflex camera
a camera in which the image is composed and focused on a large ground-glass viewfinder screen . In a single-lens reflex the light enters through the camera lens and falls on the film when the viewfinder mirror is retracted . In a twin-lens reflex the light enters through a separate lens and is deflected onto the viewfinder screen
speed camera
A speed camera is a camera positioned at the side of a road which automatically photographs vehicles that are going faster than is allowed . The photographs can be used as evidence in a court of law .
video camera
A video camera is a camera that you used in the past to record events to watch later on video.
camera obscura
a darkened chamber or small building in which images of outside objects are projected onto a flat surface by a convex lens in an aperture
camera operator
a person who operates a film or television camera
compact camera
a simple 35 mm snapshot camera not having interchangeable lenses or through-the-lens focusing but sometimes having automatic focusing, exposure , and winding
digital camera
A digital camera is a camera that produces digital images that can be stored on a computer, displayed on a screen, and printed.
electron camera
a camera which uses electron beams , esp a television camera that converts an optical image into an electrical signal
instant camera
a type of camera which self-develops and prints photographs immediately after they have been taken
pinhole camera
a camera with a pinhole as an aperture instead of a lens
process camera
a large camera used in the photographic processes involved in the printing industry
security camera
A security camera is a video camera that records people's activities in order to detect and prevent crime.
automatic camera
a camera in which the lens aperture or the shutter speed or both are automatically adjusted to the prevailing conditions
miniature camera
a small camera using 35 millimetre film
panoramic camera
a still camera having a movable lens that horizontally scans a view while exposing a long photographic plate or strip of film
programmed camera
a camera with electronic facilities for setting both aperture and shutter speed automatically on the basis of a through-the-lens light value and a given film speed
camera-ready copy
type matter ready to be photographed for plate-making without further alteration
piece to camera
a TV report in which a reporter is filmed saying something
subminiature camera
a pocket-sized camera , usually using 16 millimetre film with a very fine grain so that negatives can produce considerably enlarged prints
on (or off) camera
so positioned as to be within (or out of) the camera's field of view
Polaroid Land Camera
any of several types of camera yielding a finished print by means of a special developing and processing technique that occurs inside the camera and takes only a few seconds to complete
thermal imaging camera
a camera that can make infrared radiation visible
Schmidt system
a wide-angle optical system having a concave , spherical mirror whose aberration is neutralized by a correcting lens: often used in special, photographic reflecting telescopes to obtain clear pictures of large areas of the celestial sphere
Schmidt telescope
a catadioptric telescope designed to produce a very sharp image of a large area of sky in one photographic exposure . It incorporates a thin specially shaped glass plate at the centre of curvature of a short-focus spherical primary mirror so that the resulting image, which is focused on a photographic plate, is free from spherical aberration , coma , and astigmatism
closed-circuit television camera
a television camera transmitting signals to receivers by cables or telephone links forming a closed circuit , as used in security systems, etc
Chinese translation of 'camera'
(Phot) 照相机(機) (zhàoxiàngjī) (架, jià)
(Cine, TV) 摄(攝)影机(機) (shèyǐngjī) (部, bù)
on camera在电(電)视(視)摄(攝)像机(機)前 (zài diànshì shèxiàngjī qián)
in camera (Law) 在法官的私室里(裡) (zài fǎguān de sīshì li)