The pulps were evaluated rheologically and the sorbets for melting time.
Ana Paula Silva Siqueira, Kyany Ferreira dos Santos, Thaís Alves Barbosa, Lucas deAlvarenga Santos Freire, Yorran Araújo Camêlo 2017, 'Technological differences between açai and juçara pulps and their sorbets', Brazilian Journal of Food Technology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The materials obtained were then biochemically and rheologically characterized.
Dario Fassini, Ana Rita C. Duarte, Rui L. Reis, Tiago H. Silva 2017, 'Bioinspiring Chondrosia reniformis (Nardo, 1847) Collagen-Based Hydrogel: A New ExtractionMethod to Obtain a Sticky and Self-Healing Collagenous Material', Marine Drugs Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The amylopectin solutions are rheologically unstable.
Anna Ptaszek, Paweł Ptaszek, Marek Dziubiński, N Mirosław Grzesik, Marta Liszka-Skoczylas 2017, 'The effect of structural properties on rheological behaviour of starches in binarydimethyl sulfoxide-water solutions.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
In addition, castables with distinct particle size distributions were rheologically evaluated based on this new technique.
R. G. Pileggi, V. C. Pandolfelli 2002, 'Reologia e distribuição granulométrica de concretos refratários bombeáveis Rheologyand particle size distribution of pumpable refractory castables', Cerâmica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In general, clay-thickened greases show a greater tendency to be rheologically influenced by base oil polarities than soap-thickened lubricating greases.
Martin Fiedler, Rubén Sánchez, Concepción Valencia, Claudia S. Leopold, Erik Kuhn,José M. Franco 2015, 'Influence of Base Oil Polarity on the Transient Shear Flow of Biodegradable LubricatingGreases', Lubricants Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (